10. Shared Dreams

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Tori cried, well at least tried to as she crawled along the floor, following the sounds of Emi’s cries. “I don’t wanna die. I wanna see my mom please.” Emi wailed as Tori reached her, holding her in her arms.

“It’s alright Emi, we’ll be alright I got you.” Tori muttered, struggling to breathe. “Tori, your eyes! How are you even alive right now!?” Emi yelled, coughing up some blood. “I don’t think I’ll be around much longer, see you in Hell alright?” She laughed before everything went dark.

“EMI!” Tori yelled, sitting up in bed, accidently waking Tracy up who had been resting her head on Tori’s chest. “Tori? Are you alright?” Tracy yawned, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up.

“Fuck..I woke you up didn’t I?” Tori laughed, looking over at Tracy who was looking at her. “Yes, now answer my question.” Tracy laughed, snapping her fingers and turning the light on. “It’s nothing really, just y’know me and Emi getting murdered.”

“Oh..I don’t really know how to help sorry.” Tracy sighed, looking over at the clock to realize it was only three in the morning. "I don’t know about you but I’m not tired anymore.” Tracy laughed, looking over at Tori who was staring up at the ceiling.

“I’m not, besides usually pretty hard for me to fall asleep again after waking up like this.” Tori laughed, laying back down. “What if we have sex?” She teased, Tracy's face turning a bright red as she stared at her.

“That’s an idea..and as much as I would love to. Not in this house, for all we know my parents could be conceiving my sibling.” Tracy scoffed as she laid down next to Tori. “You look amazing though believe me, i’d gladly let you sit on my face.” She laughed.

“Well now I really want to.” Tori whined, grabbing a pillow and putting it on her face. “So what are we doing tomorrow?” She asked, looking over at Tracy. “Well, Miriana said I have to go to the house she lived in down in Hell, said my parents had been there before so I could ask them where it is.”

“Your parents have been everywhere at this point, how are you supposed to know what place to ask about?” Tori asked. “I guess I better start with the abandoned house my mama was chained up and beaten in while pregnant with me.”

“Satan's ass that actually happened? Your family is..interesting.” Tori sighed "Interesting is a nice way of putting it, I'd prefer to say fucked up." Tracy laughed. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I mean if you want to, let's just deal with this in the morning." Tracy sighed, turning away from Tori. “I’m glad I met you, don’t think I’d still be here if it wasn’t for you.” Tori muttered, wrapping her arms around Tracys waist, pulling her back.

“Getting sentimental on me, Flores?” Tracy laughed as Tori threw a pillow on her. "Let's just try and sleep again." Tori sighed as Tracy snapped her fingers, the lights turning off. “I love you, Tracy.” Tori muttered, before going to sleep.


Tracy stared at Alastor who stared right back at her, his smile as wide as ever. "Al will you quit antagonizing our kid? I haven't even had my coffee yet." Angel groaned, sitting next to Tori who handed him his long awaited coffee.

"She's trying to figure out if we had intercourse last night." Alastor muttered, not losing eye contact with Tracy. "Oh, yeah we did." Angel laughed as Tracy slammed her fists on the counter. "I fucking knew it!" Tracy yelled.

"What about you two? You guys have a nice time yesterday?" Angel asked, grinning at Tori. "I wish, she didn't want to because she was scared you were conceiving her sibling." Tori laughed as Tracy frowned at her.

"You look amazing, believe me I would've gladly let you sit on my face but not in this house. I swear I remember catching mama grinding on papa's leg when I was like six." Tracy scoffed before remembering what she had to talk about.

"Also, that abandoned house where mama was chained up and beaten in while pregnant with me, where is it?" Tracy asked nervously. "Probably wasn't the best way to ask that question, Tracy." Tori laughed.

"Thank you Tori, and honestly I don't know since I was passed out for most of it and your papa is old." Angel laughed, Alastor frowning at him.

"Thank you for your input, but might I remind you that I died earlier than you. Regardless, it was North of what once was the Vees territory." Alastor laughed. "Which reminds me, didn't you claim that territory Tori?"

"Yeah, but what the Hell do I do with it? The Pride Ring is a ghost town and besides demons already know who I am." Tori laughed as Tracy stared at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry, what?" Tracy muttered.

“You haven’t told her!?” Tori yelled, Alastor grinning back at her. “I figured you would want to, but if I have to then fine.” Alastor sighed before continuing. “Tori here has become quite notorious for not only her dancing but having faced death so many times.”

“Death's Mistress is what they call me, kinda ironic given there's a lot of things involving death in my culture, day of the dead, spirits like la llorona. I don’t really understand why, I mean calling me death's mistress implies that I have authority or control over death itself.”

“I mean, Death’s Mistress has got a nice ring to it.” Angel laughed. “Wait but how do you plan on getting back there? Thought there was some spell keeping demons from getting in.” Angel pointed out.

“Just as there is a spell to prevent demons from getting in, there is one that can get you in. However I fail to understand why you would want to go, I find being able to travel rings rather freeing.”

“I have some..unfinished business to say the least.” Tracy sighed, holding her head in her hand. "Do you want to tell us what that business is?" Angel asked. "No." Tracy laughed as she teleported herself and Tori out of the house, leaving just Angel and Alastor.

"That girl has quite literally grown up before our eyes." Alastor laughed, glancing over at Angel who was clearly upset. "Anthony? Is something wrong?" Alastor asked, walking over. “Nothing, just you’re right. She's all grown up, literally within the blink of my eyes.” Angel laughed, blinking the tears out of his eyes.

“Why..we could always have another child.” Alastor suggested as Angel looked up at him blankly. “What suddenly made you want another kid? I hardly saw you ever wanting one when we were alive.”

“First one turned out alright, also I know you still long for more children. Alive or not your dreams remain the same, do they not?” Alastor laughed, Angel continuing to look up at him, not being able to find the words to say what he wanted to say.

“You don’t have to do all that Al, I’ll be fine without 20 little demons running around and fucking up our afterlives.” He laughed, fidgeting with his hair. “What if I said I wanted to.” Alastor muttered as Angel dropped his mug, pieces spreading on the floor.

“Now, let us not make a mess.” He laughed as Angel got up. “Ya serious? You really wanna have another kid?” Angel muttered, tears in his eyes. “Yes, your dreams have become my dreams as well and I want nothing more than to pursue them with you.”

“Well..if that's what you want. Why don’t we get started right now.”


I am so sorry chapters have been a bit slow lately, with mid terms and my sisters quinceanera this week everything was extremely hectic but everything should be back on track. Love you - Meliox

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