1. The Lovian Family

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“Angel dust.” A voice mutters, just barely above a whisper. Angel suddenly sits up in bed, his eyes wide open and his breathing heavy. “Woah there, take it easy kid you’ve had quite the day haven’t you?” Angel looks up, an angel, tall and fair, brown hair and brown eyes with the same big fluffy white wings his mother had.

“You? Who are you and where am I? Where's Alastor and Tracy!?” He yells, of course the first thing on his mind is his boyfriend and daughter. Why wouldn’t it be? “Relax Angel, you are safe here. As for me I’m Osvaldo, you don’t know me but your daughter is certainly going to get to know my daughter.” The angel laughs.

“Yeah ok but that doesn’t really answer my question. Where am I?” He asks. “We’re in Heaven, stupid.” He glances over, Velvette stood not too far away from them, her back turned to them. “You.” He growls.

“What did Vexi do to Tracy? The girl has weird ice magic!” He yells, attempting to get up but not having the strength. “Just listen ok, I tried to stop her I really did but what can I say? My daughter is stubborn.” Velvette scoffs.

“You,,tried to stop her?” Angel asks hesitantly. “Yeah but I died protecting her from Tracy. I can only hope Vexi leaves her and your other loved ones alone.” She sighs, blinking the tears out of her eyes. While she didn’t regret dying to protect Vexi she certainly wished she could’ve done more to avoid the events that took place the day prior.

“But I don’t understand how are either of us here?” Angel asks, it was always said that once a sinner dies their soul becomes a part of hell itself, others say you get reincarnated or your soul ends up somewhere in the universe where not even light can reach, even nonexistent.

“I know you two from past lives, I couldn't watch you die again. It took a lot of convincing but they allowed me to grant you both spots in Heaven.” Angel's eyes widen in shock. Charlie was right.

Sinners can go to Heaven.

Maybe not how she had hoped, but at the very least it's possible. “W,,wait but Alastor and Tracy! I need to go back to them please!” Angel begs. "Everyone figured you would want that, however you won’t be able to return until the next extermination. As to when that will be, it is hard to tell.”

Angel looks at him, clearly confused. “What do you mean? The extermination happens every year, yeah it’s a while to wait but it’s better than never.” He smiles, hopeful that he’ll see his family again.

Osvaldo takes a sharp breath in, making it clear Angel won’t like what he has to say. “Angel, you see the curse Tracy has. After your death she went on a bit of a rampage, killing any exorcist she laid her eyes on but in using her powers she froze over all of the pride ring.” He sighs, summoning a mirror and handing it to Angel.

On it he sees the Hazbin hotel, but snow surrounding it. “She’s only 15. How could she have done this! Can’t she stop it!” He yells. “I’m afraid not, Angel. I don't know how to say this and I’m so sorry but Tracy,,she's turned to ice.” He sighs, the painful memories of his own daughter returning to him.

“No please God no! There's gotta be something we can do!” He cries. “Unfortunately as far as I am aware there isn’t. My own daughter, Miriana froze as well but her body went missing a few thousand years ago, we never found out rather she defrosted herself or not.”

“That name,,why do I recognize it?” Angel mutters. “Miriana was the one who made the curse.” The angel sighs, his wings slightly hugging him. It had been a while since he had even muttered his youngest daughter's name, all in an effort to forget the unfortunate events that took place all those years ago.

“Your daughter made the curse!?” He yells. “Yes, believe me I know how much destruction and hurt it has caused. She spent her remaining years attempting to fix it but never could.” Even now, just remembering how hard she tried to undo the wrong she had done, it hurt him to his core.

“Oh my God.” Angel mutters, silently sobbing to himself, coming to the harsh realization that he will never see his only child again.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Tracy." A voice mutters, just barely above a whisperer. "God dammit will you show yourself already I've been here for hours and your stupid whispering is driving me insane!" The young demon yells, growing frustrated with the circumstances she's in.

Shes tried to do something to get back to no avail, as far as she knows she was stuck here for the rest of eternity. "Ha! Was wondering when you'd break!" Tracy jumps at the sound of the voice, now behind her.

She slowly turns back, only to fall and crawl away screaming. A girl, skin as white as snow, her hair also white. She's wearing a white dress with what looks like gold paint splattered on it. She looks like an angel, just without the wings.

"You! Who are you!?" The young demon yells in terror. Usually she wouldn't be so scared of someone so,, pure looking but given the circumstances she know to be cautious of anything or anyone around her.

"Miriana, I'm the one who made the curse that was wrongfully placed upon you." She sighs, after a few thousand years of no one showing up here she thought maybe the curse was gone for good. Clearly that wasn't the case.

"You made it!? Get away from me I want nothing to do with you! Your stupid curse has done nothing but ruin and end my life!" She yells, promptly getting up, beginning to walk away.

"I understand, but if you allow me to help you. You will eventually be able to go back." The angel explains. Tracy slowly turns to her, shocked. She didn't think she could go back, she just thought she was dead the same way her mama is.

"I,, I can go back?" She asks, hesitantly. "Yes, you simply froze from using a bit too much of your magic. You can go back as long as you let me help you better control them so this doesn't happen again." The angel explained, in all her years of guiding others in mastering the control of such strong magic. She had never had to help someone this young.

"Ok well who said I want to go back! My mama is dead for fucks sake!" She yells, tears welling in her eyes at the harsh reminder that her mama was no more. "He's alive, well not alive but he's not dead." Miriana laughs as Tracy looks up at her.

"Where is he then!? I saw him, he was dead!" Tracy yells. "He's in Heaven, my father being the good man he is pushed for it." Miriana sighs, remembering all the unfortunate events that had happened all those years ago.

"But you,, what happened to you? Why would you make this curse!?" Tracy yells. "I wasn't trying to make a curse, I was trying to freeze over Hell in vengeance of my husband and daughters." It had been a while since she even thought of her husband and daughters, it was a beautiful yet painful memory.

"My own mother killed them, when I tried to freeze over Hell, my sister Abigail got in the way" Miriana sighed, blinking tears out of her eyes.

“Abigail would pass away before I regained consciousness, Andrew, her husband, dying not long after of a broken heart, the only thing more deadly to an angel than our own weapons.” Miriana laughed through tears.

“I did everything I could to fix my mistakes until I eventually froze, my father is the only remaining family member in Heaven, no doubt he’s getting to know your mother right now. Ophelia, unfortunately my mother, resides somewhere deep within Hell.” Miriana sighed, glancing over at Tracy.

“That was 20000 years ago, now it’s gonna be your job to get rid of her, I know it was wrong, I realized that long ago but please I'm begging you let me help you. I don't want you to end up stuck here for eternity like I did. You're young, you should go back and see your family." She laughs, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Fine but this doesn't mean I have to like you."

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