3. 100 Insufferable Years

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"You ready?" Osvaldo asks as Angel stares down on Hell. "Ready as I'll ever be I guess." Angel laughs, look over at Osvaldo. "Thanks for takin' care of me while I was here. Ya at least made it bearable." Angel laughed, tears filling his eyes. "It was the least I could do." Osvaldo sighs, his back towards the portal.

"Again, I would like to apologize for the loss of your daughter. I know losing her to a curse such as this one must've been difficult. When you know she couldn't do anything to save herself." Osvaldo sighs, the memories of losing his own daughter returning to him. "At least I have Al and Fat Nuggets ta go back to." Angel laughed, tears now rolling down his cheeks.

"I wish you the best of luck down there." Osvaldo called as Angel jumped down. Something about the fall felt reminiscent of his first fall to Hell. Only now he was going back with an even more broken heart knowing his only child was gone now. Soon he landed on the ground, dropping the spear he held, not intending on killing what few sinners could’ve been around.

He looked around, snow and ice covering the ground and buildings. It was freezing but he didn’t care. His main focus was getting to the hotel and finding the others.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“Whatever happened to your family?” Tracy asks, summoning a bit of ice in her hands. Over the past 100 years they had made good progress with Tracy no longer having to snap snow away every time she sneezed.

“My mother, she resides somewhere deep within Hell where she belongs. My husband, daughters and my sister along with her husband were either killed rather accidentally or on purpose or died of a broken heart.” Miriana sighed, she remembered having to watch Andrew slowly die of a broken heart shortly after her sister's passing.

At the very least he went out peacefully, knowing he’d be reunited with his wife. “I mean yeah you already told me that but what happens after an angel dies?” Tracy asked, looking over at Miriana.

“It all depends on the kind of angel they were, oftentimes part of the angel's soul gets reincarnated to become a human while the rest of their soul goes to another afterlife, one where no human souls can reach no matter how good they were.”

“Wait, what happens after a sinner or a saint dies?” Tracy asks, wondering if the rumors of being non-existent are actually true. “They get reincarnated, no soul is ever truly dead. Not even the human ones.” Miriana remembers having to watch all her loved ones, and even her own soul get reincarnated into humans.

“Who did your loved ones become?” Tracy asks, noticing the sorrowful expression on Mirianas face. “We all became,,well you and your loved ones.” Miriana laughed. “Excuse me what?” Tracy looks up over at her from where she was sitting.

“You only now though now, right now, was the best time to tell me that apparently I’m one of your loved ones' souls!?” She yelled. “Not just one of my loved ones, but my soul.” Miriana laughed as tentacles suddenly came out of the ground, grabbing Tracy’s wrists.

“What the fuck is happening!?” Tracy yelled as the tentacles slowly started pulling her down. “You’re going back, fair warning being frozen slows down your aging,,I think you'll be about 20 years old! When you go back you’ll die for a while but you’ll come right back since,,well you’ll finally be immortal!” Miriana yelled as only Tracy’s upper half remained.

“Wait, I wasn't immortal before!?” Tracy yelled, managing to free one of her wrists. “No, it works the same as it did for your parents. Do not worry though, the process is fairly painless!” Miriana laughed as Tracy looked up at her. “Wait if I’m your soul,,does that mean I’m going to have two daughters!?” Tracy yelled as everything went black.

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