12. Sins

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“Hey beautiful, you sleep well?” Tracy teased as Tori walked into the kitchen. “I’ve slept better in a two foot closet.” Tori groaned, sitting down at the kitchen island. “A two foot closet!? How were you not taken from your parents!?” Tracy yelled.

“Simple, they were never called and I was in a closet. There wasn’t a single life where my parents cared about me. The hard reality is I’m a result of two adults who think I'm at fault for their poor choices.”

“They didn’t deserve you, Tori.” Tracy muttered as she hugged Tori. “Yeah, but hey I got a gig later tonight, wanna come?” Tori asked, taking Tracy’s hand in hers. “I don’t really know, I mean unless Emi can come I’ll be all alone. You know I don’t exactly have any friends.”

“You could meet mine, they’ve been dying to meet you anyway. Wondering who has me so in love I waited so long for her.” Tori laughed, looking up at Tracy. “I mean..if you say so. They aren’t going to absolutely despise me are they?”

“No, and if they do, kill em’.” Tori laughed, placing a quick kiss on Tracy's cheek. "Fine, but Emi will be there right?" Tracy laughed nervously. "Of course." “No, and if they do, kill em’.” Tori laughed, placing a quick kiss on Tracy's cheek. "Fine, but Emi will be there right?" Tracy laughed nervously. "Of course."


“Y’know when we had you I didn’t think at the age of 115 years old you’d still have us following you around.” Angel laughed, Tracy frowning at him. “Well Emi couldn’t make it and I didn’t want to come alone.” Tracy whined as Alastor came back with their drinks.

“I think this is nice, we get to spend time together as a family and got to enjoy a nice show.” Alastor laughed. “See, papa is enjoying this. Why can’t you? You getting so old you forgot how to have a good time?” Tracy teased as Angel frowned at her.

“Hey! I’m only a couple hundred years old, besides me and your papa have a good time in bed!” Angel yelled. “You two are fucking like a rabbits, suprised you aren’t pregnant!” Tracy scoffed. “Yeah, me too.”

Tracy looked at Alastor and back at Angel. “Oh my God you’re trying to get pregnant aren’t you!?” Tracy yelled, noticing Tori and her friends walking over. “We’ll talk about this later.” She growled, walking towards them.

“Hey there she is, get in here!” One of the girls yelled, embracing Tracy in a tight hug. “Ok..hi.” Tracy laughed nervously as two other girls hugged her. “Don’t worry they don’t bite, not anymore at least.”

“Not anymore!?” Tracy yelled as they let her go. “Moving on, this is Mellie. I met her during my third life, died in a car accident because someone was too focused on doing her makeup instead of keeping her eyes on the road!” Tori yelled, punching Mellie in the stomach.

“Fuck! It’s not like I killed anyone!” She groaned. “Oh, that explains why she looks more humanoid.” Tracy laughed. “Yeah, this is Maria, I met her during my fourth life. Died of poisoning at the hands of her husband and is the only other overlord besides me in this..lovely group.”

“Your husband? What are you 24?” Tracy laughed, Maria smiling at her. “Got married young, 18. Actually I had a daughter, girls still alive.” Maria laughed. “Not even gonna introduce me, always knew you were a bitch Tori.” She laughed.

“This annoying parrot squawking in my ear is Vicky. I also met her during my fourth life. She died having a parrot rip her eyes out.” Tori laughed. “Fuck, what did you do to make a parrot rip out your eyes? You hardly hear of that happening.”

“Stole mamabirds eggs, cooked em, ate em.” She laughed, Tracy staring at her in disbelief. “You’re a fucking monster!” Tracy laughed. “So what about you? What about you is so special that Tori here has never let us between her legs.” Mellie asked.

“I don’t know, ask her.” Tracy scoffed as everyone turned to face Tori. “Dude look at her shes fucking beautiful, besides I ever hurt her and the radio demon will kill me.” Tori laughed nervously, looking over Tracys shoulder, Alastor smiling right back at her.

“Really? You’re only with me for my looks?” Tracy scoffed as Tori’s heart dropped. “No you’ve got a good personality and..yeah I don't remember you knowing how to cook now do you?” Tori laughed as Tracy frowned at her.

“Oh fuck you I set eggs on fire one time.” Tracy yelled as the others burst out laughing. “Hang on, is that your mom walking into one of the sex rooms?” Maria muttered, everyone turning to see the door slam shut.

“Yeah, bet my papa teleported into the room.” Tracy laughed. “You ever hear them going at it?” Vicky asked as everyone but Tracy burst out laughing. “You have no idea.” Tracy muttered as It's Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James and Kitty Kallen started playing.

“Great, now this place is playing fucking love songs!” Tracy yelled as she caught Tori and the others smiling at her. “No.” She said bluntly as they all frowned at her. “Oh come on! Please?” Tori pleaded as Tracy groaned.

“Yeah, you lovebirds should go enjoy yourselves, we were just about to head out anyways.” Mellie laughed, the others nodding in agreement. “God fucking dammit fine!” Tracy yelled, grabbing Toris hand and walking to the dance floor.

Tracy's hand went around Tori’s neck as Toris hand rested on Tracys waist, their other two hands interlocked with each other as they swayed along softly to the music. “I feel like some cheesy couple.” Tracy scoffed as Tori giggled.

“Yeah well you don’t seem too big on being affectionate, especially not in public but hey you’re getting better.” Tori laughed. “You don’t mind it do you?” Tracy muttered, tears in her eyes. “Of course not, it’s not your thing and that's fine.”

“Y'know, sometimes when I’d visit your grave, I’d think about what our life could’ve been like, or at least what I would’ve wanted it to be like if you hadn’t frozen.” Tori laughed, tears in her eyes. “Oh really? And what did it look like?”

“Happy, get married, maybe have kids if at some point you wanted them and I stopped being scared.” She laughed. “Why are you so scared to have them?” Tracy asked, looking up at Tori. “Mateo.” She muttered, Tracy looking at her confused. “What?”

“Mateo.” She said more sternly, pointing as Tracy looked back. It was a taller demon, he had red pasty skin and goat like horns and legs, he honestly looked more than an imp of some sort than a sinner.

“Who the fuck is that?” Tracy asked as Tori lightly squeezed her shoulder. “My ex, and the reason I’m in Hell.”


Sorry this one is a little late. I know I said Sunday but I got a little busy, anyways. Chapters may slow down significantly, I’ve finally made the difficult decision to step back slightly to be able to improve not only my grades but take time to focus on myself and watch my health due to the recent diagnosis of my worsening asthma, constant headaches and other health related issues I do not feel comfortable sharing, this is by no means me quitting. This simply means I can not guarantee a new chapter at the end or beginning of every week. I hope you can all understand, thank you and I love you. - Meliox

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