29. Radio Hosts

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“Albert! Get down here!” Angel yelled as he struggled to lift up a box. “I could assist you my dear.” Alastor laughed from behind Angel, causing him to jump. “Fuck! Albert I swear I’m getting you a bell while we're at the store!” Angel yelled as Alastor helped him with the box.

“It’ll never happen my dear, please just accept it.” Alastor laughed as he used his claw to rip the tape. “Seriously though, what do you think this doe will look like?” Angel laughed as he started digging through the contents of the box, finding a bunch of old toys.

“I’m certainly hoping for her to have my red hair, you can never have too much red!” Alastor laughed, Angel rolling his eyes. “Yeah well I’m hoping she gets the same beautiful eyes Tracy has and your nose cause I don’t have one.” Angel laughed.

“Well I’m hoping she gets your beautiful fur and your eyes.” Alastor laughed as they found one of Tracy's old baby onesies. “Aw, look how tiny Tracy used to be.” Angel cried, Alastor hugging him. “I know, now she's taller than me.” Alastor scoffed, Angel laughing.

“You gotta admit, it’s pretty funny.” Angel laughed, putting the onesie back in the box. “So, you finally decide if you’re gonna give her a spot on your radio podcast?” He asked as he opened another box.

“It’s not if I’ve decided my dear, I want to know that this is what she would want. From all accounts I’ve heard she did enjoy filling in for me, however I don’t want to offer it if I wasn’t sure it’s what she would want.” Alastor sighed as Angel pulled out a small rattle.

“Well I think maybe it’s best to just ask, especially now that she and Tori have been thinking about their future more, it’ll give her a steady income.” Angel sighed as he lifted up the whole box, beginning to leave the basement.

“I’ll admit I am growing rather attached to Tori, she seems good for Tracy.” Alastor sighed. “Albert Blanc, are you saying you like Tori?” Angel laughed, Alastor placing his hands on Angel's waist.

“It’s not that I didn’t like her, I just worry, Anthony Blanc.” Alastor laughed as they heard a knock at the front door. “I didn't invite anyone over, did you?” Angel asked. “I didn't.” Alastor replied as Angel walked over to the door, opening it to be met with Tracy and Tori.

“Hi mama.” Tracy smiled as Angel hugged her. “Hi sweet pea, it's so nice to see you.” Angel smiled as they walked inside. “We were just in the neighborhood and figured we'd stop by.” Tori laughed as they sat in the living room.

“We’re real glad, Albert here has got something to talk about with you Tracy.” Angel laughed, Alastor grabbing his shoulder. “Well that's just great, we actually got something we have to talk to you two about as well.” Tracy laughed nervously.

“Why don’t you go first, papa.” Tracy sighed. “I’ve been thinking, since you did such a good job filling in for me while me and your mama were on our honeymoon. If you want I’d like to offer you a spot on my podcast as my co-host.” Alastor laughed, Tracy's eyes going wide.

“Really!?” Tracy yelled, sitting up, joy beaming in her eyes. “Why of course, that is unless you don’t want it.” Alastor laughed as Tracy hugged him. “Of course I do! Thank you!” She laughed through tears, Angel and Tori smiling at them.

“How long has he been thinking about it?” Tori asked. “About a month.” Angel laughed as Tracy sat back down. “Now then, what did you two have to discuss with us?” Alastor asked as he snapped his fingers, summoning some ice tea for them.

Tracy and Tori glanced at each other, looking between them and Angel and Alastor. “Do you wanna tell them or should I?” Tracy asked. “It's more your mess than it is mine.” Tori muttered, Tracy taking a deep breath in.

“We need to go to Heaven to guarantee we would have someone to testify for us in the worst case scenario that Heaven found out about Osvaldos death.” Tracy blurted out quickly, hiding behind Tori.

“You what!?” Alastor yelled, static surrounding them, the lights flickering and his eyes being radio dials. “Papa! For fucks sake you got ears! You heard me!” Tracy yelled, slamming her fists on the table, Tori and Angel jumping.

“Have you children lost your minds!? Heaven! They could end you in a second!” Alastor yelled, Angel rubbing his back. “Albert, you gotta calm down, she already explained herself, sounds pretty important.” Angel sighed.

“Girls, we know this is important but Alberts right, Heaven is dangerous and Tracy with your curse who knows, Heaven could think you’re a threat, you froze over the Pride ring, which wasn’t your fault but they don’t know that.” Angel sighed, tears welling in his eyes.

“I know this shit is dangerous, but the royal family has guaranteed our safety..as long as we don’t do anything illegal which we won't.” Tori pointed out. “Putting yourselves in danger for a what if situation? Tracy I thought we raised you better than that.” Alastor sighed.

“Well sorry but this is also to protect you, if Heaven even got the smallest hint that you guys knew about any of it that would put you or even my sister in danger. It’s better to do this now while there's still the option.” Tracy sighed, Angel grabbing her hands.

“You’re a good kid, hopefully you’ll be back in time to give us your sister's name.” Angel laughed, tears finally leaving his eyes. “I gotta be, I’d never hear the end of it from grandpa or grandma.” Tracy laughed, tears leaving her eyes.

“If this one turns out just like you, I’ll be the luckiest mama in the world.”

Authors Note

Ok I know this chapter is a little short and I'm sorry, I'm actually exhausted right now because of summer school 😮‍💨

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