27. Buck or Doe?

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“I know I placed that order for today! Now either you find that cake or I will burn this stupid bakery to the ground with you still in it!” Tracy yelled, the small imp running to the back. “Babe, calm down. I'm sure they'll find the cake.” Tori laughed, massaging Tracy's shoulders.

“I know, it's just we're already late and them losing a two tier cake for a gender reveal is extremely unprofessional.” Tracy sighed, holding her head in her hands. “I know, just relax, I doubt your parents will care if we're a few minutes late because of the cake.” Tori laughed as the imp walked out with a box, placing it on the counter.

Without another thought Tracy opened it, finding the bottom tier to be pink, the top one blue, the caked topper reading Buck or Doe? “It looks good.” Tracy sighed, handing the imp 80 dollars as Tori grabbed the box, then walking out together.

“Tori, portal!” Tracy yelled as Tori opened a portal directly to Angel and Alastors grave, everyone waiting for them. “Oh thank Satan! Do you have any idea how worried we were?” Angel yelled as Tori placed the cake down on a nearby table.

“I’m so sorry! This stupid imp lost track of where the cake was!” Tracy yelled. “It’s fine my dear, the good thing is you two and the cake are here now.” Alastor laughed as he summoned a cake cutter in his hand.

“Hurry up you dorks! We’ve been dying to know the gender!” Cherri laughed. “Seriously, this is probably going to be my last niece or nephew since Niss can’t seem to find a lady!” Molly laughed, her mother laughing with her.

“Alright! Calm down, all your yapping won't make Tracy cut that cake any sooner!” Angel laughed, Tracy looking over at him. “Me!?” She yelled, Angel and Alastor nodding. “We already got to reveal your gender, it’s your turn to reveal theirs.” Angel smiled, tears in his eyes.

“Hurry up! Anthony will be popping out my next grandchild if you keep going this slow!” Henroin laughed as Alastor handed Tracy the cake cutter. “Alright! Calm down grandpa!” Tracy laughed as she approached the cake, gliding the cake cutter with ease, pulling the slice out.

It was pink.

“It's a girl!” Angel and Alastor cheered, everyone else cheering along with them. “Oh thank Satan, I couldn’t find any good boy names.” Tracy laughed as Angel and Alastor hugged her. “You’re gonna have a little sister.” Angel laughed, tears leaving his eyes.

“Damn right I am! I got the perfect name for her!” Tracy laughed as Charlie ran up to them, hugging them tightly. “I’m so happy for you guys!” Charlie cried, Vaggie quickly running over to pull her off of them.

“Alright Charlie, you’re gonna squeeze the baby to death!” Angel laughed as Charlie kept crying. “You know how my mom is, she gets a little too carried away.” Nicolas laughed as he approached with Oliver, Cherri bomb and Sir Pentious’s son, following just behind him.

“Well it’s about time you show your faces again, you get married and suddenly no one else exists!” Alastor laughed. “We would’ve attended your wedding but the letter didn’t reach us until a week after. Heaven simply doesn’t have good postal service.” Oliver scoffed.

“Lighten up Oliver! We made it to the gender reveal!” Nicolas laughed as Oliver kissed the back of Nicolas's hand. “Alright we get it you're in love, you don't need to be so sappy about it.” Tracy scoffed.

“It’s alright cuz, I’m sure you and Tori will get married soon.” Nicolas laughed, hugging Tracy. “That’s not my issue, well it is but there's something else.” Tracy sighed, Nicolas grabbing her by the shoulders and dragging her away.

“Ok now talk to me, I’ve heard all about your curse sticking around and you hiding it.” Nicolas sighed as they sat on the grass together. “You have a relationship with the seraphims right?” Tracy asked.

“Yes, I keep close contact with Sera to be specific, why?” Nicolas asked. “I need their help finding any information about Miriana and her curse, any angels that could still be affected by the curse, a diary Miriana had, anything.” Tracy stated promptly.

Nicolas took a sharp breath in, making it clear Tracy wouldn’t like what he had to say. “It’s not that she wouldn’t be willing to help, it’s just well for starters since Mr. Lovians disappearance the palace has been left abandoned, rotting away, with the part of it that Miriana stayed in having been left abandoned for thousands of years before that! I can’t promise that much would turn up.” Nicolas sighed.

Tracy took a sharp breath in at the mention of Mr. Lovians disappearance. “Tracy, tell me you don’t know something about Mr. Lovians.” Nicolas groaned. “He’s dead, lost his life at the soul of his wife.” Tracy sighed.

“Tracy, please tell me no one else knows about this.” Nicolas whispered. “Only Tori.” Tracy sighed. “Tracy, if any of the higher ups of Heaven find out you two were with Mr. Lovian when he went missing, even worse when he died.” Nicolas paused, taking a deep breath in.

“Heaven could find that reason enough to think you are a threat to Heaven, they’d charge you with his murder, they’d likely have you executed, they could declare war with all of Hell!” Nicolas sighed, tears running down Tracys cheeks.

“No, we didn’t do anything to him! He was the one who sacrificed himself, he said we’d never stand a chance against Ophelia!” Tracy sobbed. “Alright, now don’t panic. I’m sure there's a way you can contact Miriana and therefore Mr. Lovian.” Nicolas laughed nervously.

“What makes you think that!?” Tracy yelled. “Well you are technically related to the Lovians by soul at least. Now if you can retrieve something of Mirianas I can give you a spell that will allow you to visit her in your sleep.” Nicolas cheered.

“I have her and Victor's wedding rings, I've kept the box beneath some floorboards this whole time.” Tracy smiled. “Ok perfect, I'll find the spell and text it to you later. You'll be ok, everything will be ok.” Nicolas sighed as Tracy suddenly hugged him. “Thank you.” She cried as Nicolas returned the hug.

“Hey, we're cousins aren't we?” Nicolas laughed as they got up. “Now come on, let's celebrate your parents and baby sister!” Nicolas laughed as they ran back to everyone, Tori quickly running over to Tracy.

“Tracy are you ok? Nicolas didn't upset you did he?” Tori questioned as she hugged Tracy. “No, nothing like that, we were just trying to find a solution to what was a minor problem.” Tracy sighed as Tori kissed her forehead.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Tori asked as Tracy kissed the back of her hand. “We'll talk about it when we get home. For now let's just celebrate.” Tracy sighed.

Authors Note

Ok bitches here the deal, I’ve been working on the rewrite of the sin series BUT. I’m planning on this book to have 36- 40 chapters, the longest book yet. I didn’t just want to end it without saying anything so I just want to give you a heads up, obviously it's sad and all that BUT you guys will get the human life of Angel and Alastor plus Tracy and Tori won’t be completely gone don't worry, also writing a book on tori's first life before she met Tracy so…yea.

Love you, Meliox.

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