25. Pride

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“Tori! Hurry up, we can't be late!” Tracy yelled from downstairs as she frantically put her boots on. “Relax babe, it's not like they're going anywhere.” Tori laughed as she walked downstairs, spotting Tracy struggling to put her boots on.

“You gotta calm down, look at you, you can't even get your boots on.” She laughed, getting down and helping Tracy. “Can you blame me? I haven't seen my parents in a month, they haven't even met Lucky!” Tracy smiled.

“Alright, just relax while I open the portal.” Tori laughed, opening the portal, sending them down an empty white void before they appeared in the middle of the woods. “Tori! Give me some warning next time!” Tracy yelled as Tori got up, brushing herself off.

“Maybe next time don't be in such a rush to put your shoes on.” Tori laughed, holding her hand out to Tracy, helping her up. “Fine, but Lucky could’ve gotten hurt.” Tracy sighed, holding Lucky in her arms.

“This cat is getting fur all over my couch, which wouldn't be that much of an issue if she wasn’t completely black!” Tori yelled as they walked through the woods. “Well it’s not like we can change the color of her fur now can we?”

“Alright, just clean after her please, especially while we're at your parents house.” Tori laughed as they spotted the cabin, Angel and Alastor sitting at the front porch. “Mama!” Tracy yelled, handing Lucky to Tori and running towards the cabin.

“Sweet pea!” Angel yelled, disregarding the embroidery he was working on and running towards Tracy, gladly embracing her. “Well don't you look pretty, oh I've missed you so much.” Angel sobbed, brushing his fingers through Tracy's hair.

“I've missed you too mama.” Tracy laughed through tears. “It’s only been a month, no need to get so emotional.” Alastor laughed, Angel tuning and frowning at him. “Oh yea, real big talk for someone who also wouldn’t stop crying.” Angel growled as Alastor hugged both of them, picking them up.

“I knew you missed me!” Tracy laughed as Alastor put them down. “I’m so sorry it took us so long to invite you out here, we should’ve taken communication with Hell into account when choosing to spend our honeymoon here.” Alastor laughed.

“You should’ve invited us sooner, now I’m stuck with a cat that is shedding all over my couch.” Tori sighed, handing Lucky back to Tracy. “Look at her though! She's got the face of an Angel!” Tracy smiled, having Lucky snatched from her by Angel.

“Oh she is absolutely adorable!” Angel cooed, Fat Nuggets snorting at him. “Sorry Nuggs.” He laughed, handing Lucky back to Tracy. “When did you decide to get a cat? I thought you hated the idea of having a pet.” Alastor laughed.

“Tracy killed her owner and felt bad knowing this ball of fur would've ended up in some shelter or just been a stray.” Tori scoffed. “Ok first of all stop being so mean to Lucky, I mean would you have preferred she ended up somewhere dangerous?”

“I'd prefer if she didn't shed all over my couch and nibble at my leg while I'm trying to sleep!” Tori yelled. “Oh right, cats have a habit of attacking birds.” Alastor laughed as they all sat on the front porch.

“She's just mad because Lucky walked in on us being intimate.” Tracy laughed, Tori lightly punching her arm. “I'm so sorry, Tracy's just mad because we haven't been intimate since that incident!” Tori yelled, the both of them noticing Angel and Alastor smiling at them.

“You two need to find another way to communicate that isn't yelling at each other.” Alastor stated, Angel nodding in agreement. “What would you two know!? You guys just got married barely a month ago!” Tracy yelled, static surrounding them.

“All relationships are different sweet pea and as me and your papa learned the hard way, only yelling isn't a good way to communicate.” Angel explained, Tracy and Tori looking at each other. “I guess you have a point..surprisingly.” Tracy laughed.

“Tracy! Be nice to your parents!” Tori laughed as they hugged. “See, now doesn't that feel better already?” Alastor grinned. “Yes, thank you.” Tori sighed as Lucky sat in her lap. “See, she loves you!” Tracy laughed.

“Alright I guess she's not that bad, but that doesn't mean I'm not still mad about the couch or my leg.” Tori scoffed. “I'll make sure to clean after her and get her stuff to chew on that isn't you.”

“That reminds me, theres a parade in celebration of-..what was it called again babe?” Angel whispered into Alastors ear. “I believe it was called pride month, Anthony.” Alastor muttered.

“Yeah that, we were planning to go, y'know as a nice way to end our honeymoon. Do you two wanna join us?” Angel smiled. “I don't know, I mean it's the end of your honeymoon, do you really want to spend it with me and Tori?” Tracy asked.

“Yeah, we wouldn't want to intrude.” Tori smiled, Angel raising an eyebrow at her. “Y’know, I heard one of the folklorico dancers twisted her ankle, they’re looking for someone to fill her place.” Angel smirked as Tori's face lit up.

“Oh please can we go Tracy? Please?” Tori begged, practically on her knees. “I guess so, just be careful.” Tracy sighed as Tori hugged her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She squealed.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“You did amazing!” Tracy squealed as Tori walked past her. “Thanks Tracy.” Tori muttered, clearly upset. Tracy, Angel and Alastor stood there for a second dumbfounded. “Go talk to her mama.” Tracy muttered.

“Why me? She's your girlfriend.” Angel questioned. “I want you to because I know if there's anyone who can understand her life while she was alive best, it would be you.” Tracy sighed as Angel walked in the direction Tori had gone.

“Tori!” Angel yelled down an alleyway, finding Tori sat behind some boxes. “Hi Mrs. Blanc, sorry I walked off.” Tori sniffed, tears welling in her eyes. “Well who can blame ya, I can imagine being back here isn't easy.” Angel sighed as he sat next to her.

“You wanna talk about it?” Angel asked, being met with silence. “It's just hard, in every life I'd walk these streets, unaware of what was going to happen to me, what had already happened in the past.” Tori muttered, tears now leaving her eyes as she pulled her knees up to her chest.

“I wanted my parent’s love so badly in every life and as much as I hate to admit it, I still do.” Tori sobbed, holding her head in her hands.

“I know it can be tough, wanting to go back and ask why you couldn't just get the love you wanted. Walking these streets again after reliving trauma over 6 lives. That's one thing Heaven and Hell have in common, they can't rewrite your story.” Angel laughed, Tori resting her head on his shoulder.

“Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have your parent’s love?” Tori asked as it began raining. “Yes, and now I have it and I'm sure if your parents have any good in them, even just an ounce, they'll love you too.”

“I doubt it, but I got Tracy, my abuelita and abuelo, my friends and I have you and Mr. Blanc.” Tori sighed, using one of her wings to cover her and Angel. “You actually see us as family?” Angel smiled, tears in his eyes.

“Well yea, you two took me in, offered me a home when I truly didn't have one.” Tori laughed as she and Angel hugged. “I can't wait for the day I get to call you my daughter!”

Author's Note

Hey babes, I know I've been gone a while but I'm not even gonna lie I got lazy and I've been relaxing like my cat sat by the window. Anyways here's a nice Pride Month chapter, I wanted to get it out sooner but I've been doing volunteer work left and right. Anyways I'm hoping to get another chapter out in a week but no promises.

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