7. Hells Prince

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"I can't believe it, you're alive!" Charlie cried, hugging Angel and Tracy. "Alright aunt Charlie I love you but you're going to squeeze us to our deaths!" Tracy gasped as Charlie let them go. "I'm sorry it's just..fuck give me a second." Charlie cried, practically gasping for air.

"Mom! Mama is getting into another fight with Alastor!" Nicolas yelled, running into the room. "Why are you crying? And who are these people?" He asked, walking her to Charlie and holding her in his arms.

"Charlie I died for this child and you couldn't even mention me to him?" Angel laughed as Charlie smiled back at him nervously. "Well in my defense no one could bring themselves to talk about either of you!"

"Hold on, I know you! Well I don't know you but I've seen you!" Nicolas yelled, running out of the room. "That kid got your excitement." Tracy scoffed, not liking the idea of having two Charlies around.

"He's about as excited as you are whenever you see your little girlfriend." Angel laughed as Tracy's face turned a bright red. "Found it!" He cheered as he ran back into the room, a small box in hand.

"I thought I told you not to go through that!" Charlie yelled as Nicolas grinned back at her. "What can I say? I was a troubled kid." He laughed, opening the box and pulling out a polaroid photo, handing it to Tracy.

It was a picture of Angel, Tracy and Alastor standing in front of Angel and Alastors graves, Fat Nuggets running around in the background. "Oh I remember this, it was the day after my birthday." Tracy muttered in aw.

They had all decided to go out, have a family day with Angel and Alastor back together and with hope for their future together, everything seemed to be falling into place. "I still remember how me and papa got into a fight and threw dirt at each other!" Tracy laughed.

"He's still mad at me for not stopping you." Angel laughed, tears in his eyes. "Mom never told me about you, the one time I asked who you were she hid the box, guess I know why now." He scoffed.

"Alright,,I'm just gonna go, let you guys catch up and stop Alastor and Vaggie from killing each other." Charlie laughed nervously, slowly stepping out of the room. "So, you died for me?" Nicolas sighed, sitting on the couch across from them.

"It was this big guy right here, I didn't mean to die, I just did." Tracy laughed as Angel punched her arm playfully. "Wait, he's a man?" Nicolas asked as Tracy burst out in laughter. "Yeah, I don't believe it either." Tracy snickered as Angel glared at her.

"So, what happened the day you guys died?" He asked, moving forward a bit. "Well, Vaggie and my niece, Sam, had gone out shopping. The extermination started and I went out to find them, one of em found us and coincidentally was my ex fiance."

"Wait, I thought you were married to Alastor, were you not?" Nicolas asked as Tracy once again burst out in laughter. "Please! With how on and off those two are I've lost all hope of them even being together!" Tracy laughed loudly.

"Hey! We are together..I think." Angel muttered, holding his head in his hands. "You two gotta figure your shit out, your 20 year old daughter has a more stable relationship than you." Tracy scoffed.

“I’m guessing things between them were complicated while you were growing up?” He asked, Tracy rolling her eyes. “Sure, let’s go with complicated. Definitely wasn’t any better the day we died.” Tracy laughed.

“Alright can we just talk about something else that isn’t death or me and Alastor's relationship?’” Angel groaned. “Ok but how did you die..sorry I never got your name.” He laughed nervously as Tracy smiled back at him.

“Tracy, honestly it’s weird having to tell you that.” Tracy shivered. “Believe me this is about as weird for me as it is for you two.” Nicholas laughed. “What's weird is the fact Alastor isn’t here, where is he actually?”

“Right here, darling!” Alastor cheered, causing Angel to jump out of his seat. “Fucking Hell! Alastor, seriously we gotta get a bell for you!” Angel yelled, punching him in the chest. “Why my dear it will take an eternity before you will manage to get a bell on me.” He laughed, quickly noticing Nicolas in the room.

“Why hello Nicholas, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” He smirked, Nicolas frowning at him. “Yes, you only left when I was nine didn’t you?” Nicolas scoffed, getting a better look at Alastor. “You look good though, I’m assuming that has everything to do with them being back?”

“Why of course, you don’t look too bad yourself though you could use just a touch of more red.” Alastor laughed as Vaggie walked into the room. “You should see his face when hes around his boyfriend, too much red if you ask me.” Vaggie laughed as Nicolas’s face turned a bright red.

“Mama! You’re embarrassing me!” Nocolas yelled, storming out of the room. “So, have you two figured out what you’re going to do now that you’re back?”

"I don't really know, though I'm sure Alastor was about to offer to let me stay with him." Angel laughed, smiling at Alastor. "Why of course, and Tracy you are welcome as always." He laughed, Tracy looking up at him.

"Thanks but I think I'm good. Tori offered to let me stay with her and I think I'll take her up on it. Besides I think it'll be nice to start doing things on my own." She sighed, it wasn't that she didn't want to live with her parents. She simply wanted a small taste of independence.

"Tracy, we're all adults here. We know what that means." Angel laughed as Tracy's face turned a bright red. "Yeah, it means I want to go home to a loving girlfriend instead of my parents fucking upstairs!" She yelled.

"Oh please it's been 100 years Tracy. You're never going to get over that are ya?" Angel laughed, Alastor frowning at him. "I'm with Tracy on this, I wouldn't have liked to walk in on my own parents like that." Vaggie scoffed.

"It was traumatizing." Tracy shuttered, hugging herself. "Alright, we won't be doing such things anymore." Alastor laughed as Angel looked up at him. "We won't?" He whined as Alastor grinned down at him.

“Satan's ass, can you two not talk about this in front of us! We all know you’re going to fuck the moment you two are left alone!” Tracy yelled, static surrounding them. “It appears you’re already regaining some of your magic.” Alastor smirked as Tracy and Vaggie left the room, slamming the door shut behind them.

Angel and Alastor sat there in silence for a few moments before bursting out into laughter. "Oh my dark god, she is so tired of us!" Angel wheezed, trying to catch his breath.

"Yes, why I believe we have this parenting thing down now don't we? Such a shame she grew up just like that. Quite literally too." Alastor sighed, if there was one thing he regretted it was spending the last few days of Angels and Tracy's lives arguing with them.

"That reminds me, where are we in terms of..well us?" Angel asked hesitantly, scared of Alastor's response. "I don't quite know, where would you believe we are?" Alastor asked, eagered to hear Angels response.

"I don't know, I mean I'm not mad at ya any more obviously. It's been 100 years." Angel sighed, holding his head in his hands as Alastor sat next to him on the cough, staring at the ceiling.

"That is rather nice to know, Anthony." Alastor chuckled, not really know what to say. This past day of them being back had been eventful to say the least, with Alastor constantly worried something would happen to Angel or Tracy.

"I still love ya, you know that right?" Angel muttered, resting his heading on Alastor's shoulder and closing his eyes. "Yes, did you know I still love you?" Alastor asked, putting and arm over Angels shoulder, pulling him in.

"Something about the state I found you in gave me the impression." Angel laughed, trying to get comfortable but not being able to due to his wings. "Anything we can do about these things? I don't know how Husk can live with them." He groans as Alastor glanced down at him.

"I will see what I can find."

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