30. Unborn Angel

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"Anthony, you must relax, all this stress isn't good for the baby." Alastor sighed as he helped Angel sit down. "Compared to my first pregnancy I doubt stress will do much to her!" Angel yelled anxiously tapping his foot as he stared at his phone screen.

"We missed you too." Tracy laughed from behind Angel, causing him to jump. "Fuck! I really hope this one won't try to kill me every two seconds!" Angel yelled as he hugged Tracy. "Relax, the baby will be fine." Tracy laughed.

"So, everything went well?" Alastor asked. "Yep, everything's just fine." Tori sighed. "So, how's my sister doing?" Tracy asked. "She's been giving me fake contractions all week, girl is more stubborn than you were." Angel scoffed.

"Well I guess that means we made it here just in time." Tracy laughed, Angel rolling his eyes. "So, we got some good news for you." Tori smiled. "Well do go ahead girls, we've got time." Alastor laughed, Angel punching his arm.

"While we were gone I got my team to look into a house here in gluttony and we got it!" Tori cheered. "Oh I'm so glad!" Angel smiled.

"Even better, it's just a town over, great schools, a neighborhood with plenty of young couples so there's bound to be kids soon and it's close to you guys so it's all just great for our future plans." Tracy smiled.

"Well what are your future plans?" Alastor asked. "Don't worry we're not rushing anything, getting a house was the first step, we were hoping to get married in a few years and then we'll go from there." Tori sighed.

"Well that's great! Nice to know you two actually got it together, that's a lot more than I can say for me and Albert here." Angel laughed, winching in pain. "How the fuck do you know if it's real?" Tracy asked.

"Don't worry, I'll know." Angel hissed. "So, what is giving birth like anyway?" Tori asked. "Oh it's worse than Hell itself." Angel groaned. "Yeah but like, what does it feel like?" Tori questioned further.

"Well first time around I didn't get an epidural, I could feel all the stretching, legs cramped up, my abdomen, groin, and back felt like they were on fucking fire." Angel groaned, Toris face showing she was clearly scared.

"Mama! Will you stop with the gorey details!" Tracy yelled, holding Tori's hand. "Shit sorry, it's just this baby is being a huge pain in the ass!" Angel yelled, grabbing his stomach. "Shit mama we gotta get you to a hospital!" Tracy yelled.

"No! It's fine, they can get worse sometimes. I just need some water and to relax." Angel sighed. "I'll get you some water." Alastor sighed as he got up, leaving the living room. "So what? Toris gonna be the one getting pregnant?" Angel asked, his breathing heavy.

"Yeah well we talked a little bit about it, we decided for now it'll probably be me but we'll come back around to it when the time comes." Tori sighed. "Wow, Tracy, way to step up." Angel laughed.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just with the curse we don't know how well I'd handle a pregnancy, if Miriana had the curse when she was pregnant then at least we'd have some answers if it would affect the baby but she didn't." Tracy sighed.

"Makes sense." Angel shrugged as Alastor came in with a glass of water, handing it to Angel. "Thanks babe." Angel sighed. "So, you got a name ready." Angel breathed, Tracy nodding. "Yep, haven't even told Tori." Tracy laughed.

"That's good, so anyone got any ideas on what she's gonna look like?" Angel laughed. "I'm kinda hoping she's got your fur, I've always thought it was pretty." Tori smiled. "Fuck no, no more fur, I know it looks great but it's too much work." Angel sighed.

"Ok, ma you aren't looking too good." Tracy muttered. "Yeah I'm thinking we should get me to the hospital." Angel cried as Alastor helped him up. "Fuck, mama you should've said something earlier." Tracy sighed as she opened the front door.

"Yeah well I thought I had more time." Angel laughed. "Do you need a blanket or something?" Tori asked as she opened the car door. "A bag of ice would be nice." Angel breathed, Tori summoning a bag of ice in her hands, handing it to Angel who put it on his forehead.

"This is gonna hurt so bad." Angel cried.


"Fucking Hell get Tracy in here!" Angel cried, his bottom hands grabbing at the bed sheets. "Anthony dear it's alright, you just need to push." Alastor yelled as Angel crushed his hand. "You got about two seconds to get our daughter in here or so help me I'll feed you to one of Stolas's plants!" Angel yelled as he let go of Alastor's hand, Alastor quickly running out.

"Tracy it'll be alright, I'm sure this is normal." Tori sighed, Tracy squeezing her hand lightly as Alastor teleported in front of them. "Is mama ok? What about the baby!?" Tracy yelled as she stood up.

"He's asking for you." Alastor explained quickly as he grabbed Tracy's shoulder, teleporting them to the delivery room. "Mama!" Tracy yelled, walking over to Angel. "Hey sweet pea, glad you could stop by." Angel sighed, trying to grab Tracys hand before she pulled it away.

"Sorry mama but no, look at papas hand!" Tracy yelled, Alastor once again giving that same hand to Angel. "I promise I won't fuck it up like that, besides you could always finger Tori with the other one." Angel laughed, Tracy looking at him with disgust.

"Fuck, fine just shut up and push." Tracy sighed as she handed her hand to Angel. "I'm so sorry sweet pea!" Angel cried as he pushed again. "For what!?" Tracy yelled as Angel squeezed her hand lightly. "I promise I won't forget ya, you'll both have my heart-..fuck!" Angel cried, another doctor walking over.

"Sir..ma'am, whatever you are, you've got a few pushes left just keep going!" The doctor yelled. "Mama it's fine, come on you're almost there!" Tracy laughed, Angel nodding his head as he continued pushing.

"Oh my god Alastor fuck you!" Angel yelled as he pushed one more time, a baby's cries being heard. "Look! You did it!" Tracy laughed as she and Alastor hugged Angel. "I've got two daughters!" Alastor laughed as the doctor walked over, handing the baby to him.

She had light pink hair with black tips, pale skin and mismatched pink and red eyes. "She's beautiful." Tracy smiled, tears leaving her eyes. "So how about it? What's her name?" Angel asked as Alastor handed the baby to Angel.

"Adelina Mary Blanc." Tracy smiled, Angel looking up at her. "That names perfect." Angel cried. "Alright Anthony, calm down, you're crying more than Adelina has." Alastor laughed as Angel handed the baby to Tracy, Tracy looking down at her in awe.

"She's so pretty." Tracy laughed through tears. "She could use just a bit more red." Alastor laughed, Angel and Tracy frowning at him. "If anything tore down there I'm fucking cock blocking you!"

Author's Note

Heyyy bitches, so sorry I haven't updated in a bit, summer school has got me fucked up. ANYWAYS hopefully I'll be able to release chapters more regularly soon. Love you.

- Meliox

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