15. Mi Vida

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“Mama!” A younger Victoria cried, running over to her mama who was sat on the couch, watching tv. “Don’t call me that.” She muttered, shoving Tori away from her. “Cristina, you could be nicer to the girl.” Elena laughed

“Why do you always have to take her side!? ¡Soy tu hija, no ella!” Cristina yelled. “This isn’t about sides. I’ve given you 4 years now to either be a mother, go to school, or go get a job and you haven’t done anything and don’t get me started on Manuel!”

“Manuel is her father and my husband you can’t talk about him like that he does plenty!” Cristina yelled, getting up and walking towards the door. “Where do you think you’re going!? Victoria is crying, be a mother for once please!”

“I’m going to my useless husband's house!” Cristina yelled, slamming the door shut behind her. “Oh Victoria, lo siento, perdóname I know you don’t like seeing us argue.” Elena cooed, picking Victoria up in her arms as she continued crying.

“What if we go outside and you can play with your ball or pick some flowers? Would that make you feel better?” She laughed, wiping Victoria's tears with her thumb. She didn’t say a word, just nodded her head.


“Abuelita, look! A butterfly!” Victoria laughed as she chased the butterfly around. “Careful Victoria! I can’t have you getting hurt, your abuelo wouldn’t be happy with me!” Elena laughed, watching as Victoria ran up and down the street, continuously trying to trap the butterfly in her hands.

Without warning a car came swerving around the corner, Victoria not noticing. “Victoria!” Elena yelled, quickly getting up and shoving Victoria out of the way. “ABUELITA!” She cried as Cristina and Manuel got out of the car. “Mama!” Cristina yelled, falling onto her knees.

“Don’t just stand there, call an ambulance!” Cristina yelled as she and Manuel ran into the house. “Victoria, I don’t think I’ll make it up.” Elena laughed, Victoria holding her hand. “No, please! You’re the closest thing to a mama I’ve got!”

“Victoria, listen to me, you’re a bright young girl and you’ve got a long life full of big things and adventures ahead, you’re going to be a famous dancer just like we talked about. Alright? Make me proud.” Elena coughed as her breathing stopped.


“Tori, are you almost ready? We can’t be late, it's your first meeting!” Tracy yelled, opening the door to their bedroom being met with Tori who was sitting on the ground at the foot of their bed, photos spread all over the floor.

“What’s all this?” Tracy asked, sitting next to her. “Photos of me and my abuelita.” She laughed, picking up one of the photos and handing it to Tracy. “Any reason you’re looking at these today?” Tracy asked, taking a closer look at the photo.

It was quite old by now but was overall in great shape, it was of Tori when she was younger, she was wearing a little red dress, her hair in pigtails with red bows in it, her abuela wearing an identical outfit. Tori’s parents were hardly in the background but the look on their faces showed they were clearly unhappy.

“Today is the anniversary of her death. I remember her last words, she told me I had a long life ahead of me, that I’d become a famous dancer and make her proud but I didn’t do any of that.” Tori sighed as Tracy handed the photo back to her.

“But you did become a famous dancer and an overlord! I’m sure she’d be proud of you.” Tracy smiled, taking Toris hand in hers. “I mean yeah I did all that but not during any of my lives the only thing I did was become an addict! Becoming an overlord wasn’t something she would’ve wanted, I’ll be lucky if she even looks me in the face if I ever see her again.”

“Ok Tori you’re my girlfriend and I love you and thats exactly why I’m going to say this but shut the fuck up.” Tracy growled, Tori slowly backing away. “I may not have met your grandmother but I can guarantee based on what you’ve told me she would love you the same.”

“Alright whatever you say my strawberry doe.” Tori laughed, Tracy frowning at her. “Sexy pink doe? Or something simple like good girl.” Tori laughed as Tracy kept frowning at her. “Use those names all you want in bed but for now let’s get to that meeting.” She laughed, helping Tori up.

“There is no using them in bed, we haven’t had sex since the Christmas before you froze. Which is fine if you’re not ready but still.” Tori laughed. “It’s not that I’m not ready, I just–well I don’t know what but it feels, not weird but just awkward.”

“Is it the toys or just the fact we haven’t had sex in forever?” Tori asked, placing a quick kiss to Tracy's cheek. "Might be a little bit of both."


“That meeting wasn’t so bad was it?” Tracy laughed hesitantly, taking Tori’s hand in hers. “Everyone else seemed to be doing so good, I’m nowhere near that. Where are your parents, I want to go home now.” Tori muttered, tears in her eyes. "They're around here..somewhere."

“I’m sorry if you don’t mind me, it seems you’ve just gotten started my dear. A young sinner, Manolo, he’s been attending these meetings for 2 years now, why when he first began attending he was doubtful as you are now but it’s like I always said to my nieta, lo que quiere, puede.” She laughed, the woman in question looked almost identical to Tori, with the exception of one small detail.

Her eyes.

They looked identical to the ones Tori had when she was alive. “This woman who looks creepily a lot like you is right Tori, it just takes time.” Tracy laughed, kissing the back of Tori's hand. “I’m sorry but what was your name again?” Tori asked.

“Elena Flores, pleasure to meet you sugar.” She smiled, shaking Tori’s hand. Tracy glanced over at Tori, understanding what was going on. “What was your granddaughter's name?” Tori asked, Tracy squeezing her hand as a way of silently supporting her.

“Victoria, oh such a sweet girl she was, I wish I had more time to spend with her.” She sighed. “Is this her?” Tori asked, pulling out a polaroid picture, handing it over to Elena. The picture was quite old, parts of the picture being faded and discolored but for the most part you could make out the people in the photo.

Elena didn’t say a word, just continued looking up from the picture to Tori and back down. “Your abuelo always said you were a spinning imagine of me.” She laughed, tears streaming down her face as she hugged Tori. "Victoria, mi vida, como te he extrañado tanto."


OK SO. I'll get another two chapters out this week, they're already written so it's going to be released I promise. Love you - Meliox

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