13. Secrets Revealed

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Trigger warnings for this chapter : discussion of substance abuse, attempted sa and pedophilia.

“What do you mean he’s the reason you’re in Hell!? I thought you were here because you killed animals!” Tracy yelled as Tori grabbed her hand, beginning to drag her in the opposite direction. “Yeah well I will explain later but right now let's try and get out of here.” Tori laughed, clearly in a panic.

“Tori!” He yelled as they came to a stop, turning to see him walking towards them. “Mateo, wasn’t expecting to see you here. Didn’t expect you to recognize me” She laughed, nervously squeezing Tracys hand. “I recognized that face anywhere, how have you been?”

“Better, especially after getting away from you.” She laughed, Mateo smiling at her. "Yes well I figured after you and your little friend murdered me you would've ended up in prison but apparently not." He growled. "I'm sorry you guys did what!? Tracy yelled, pulling her hand away from Tori.

"We had our reasons alright!” Tori yelled as he grinned at her. “Wipe that smirk off your face asshole! You deserve more than anyone to be down in Hell! Well maybe except for my parents.” She muttered, Tracy glancing at her. “Believe me no one deserved to be down here more than you, Victoria.”

“Dios mío, este cabron…no quiero volver a verte, ¿¡me oyes!?” Tori yelled, punching him in the nose, causing him to fall back before she stormed off, Tracy following just behind her. “Tori!” She called out as they left the club. “Tori will you fucking look at me!?” Tracy yelled as she grabbed ahold of Tori's hand, causing her to turn around only to reveal she was crying.

“Hey it’s alright, I’m not mad at you.” She laughed as she hugged Tori. “Look, let's just get home, I’ll make us some jambalaya and if you’re comfortable and only if you’re comfortable you can explain, alright.” She sighed, wiping the tears off of Tori’s face as she nodded.


“Tori I’m starting to worry about you, you’ve barely eaten a thing and you’ve been laying here for the past two days.” Tracy muttered sitting on the edge of the bed, Emi sitting next to her, their backs towards Tori. It was clear that whatever her ex had done and what she did she wanted to forget.

“I didn’t lie about killing animals, well at least an animal.” She muttered, taking a deep breath in before continuing. “I had just turned 13, he was 20. I knew it was wrong but I wanted to feel loved by someone and he knew that.”

She clenched the sheets in her hands, her claws digging into it causing small holes to poke through. “He got me hooked on drugs, smoking, drinking, everything a 13 year old shouldn’t be doing. At some point he thought I owed him, I didn’t want to but he always talked me into it.” She muttered, tears leaving her eyes.

“Tori.” Emi muttered. “Shut up Emi! It’s about time she knows!” Tori yelled, Emi quickly going quiet. “Hey you don’t have to tell me if Emi doesn’t want to, I’m fine.” Tracy laughed nervously, taking Tori’s hand in hers.

“Ignore her, we agreed to tell you, it's just neither of us like thinking about it." She growled before continuing. "One day I repeatedly told him no, but I don't know what went through his head that day. He didn't want to listen so he tried to force himself onto me." She cried, squeezing Tracy's hand.

"I fought back, Emi gave him the final blow though. Took some time but they found us innocent. He took advantage of me, and what I didn’t have at home and my parents just looked the other way until they couldn’t.”

“I’m not staying for the next part.” Emi sighed, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind her. “I’m guessing I’m not going to like this next part am I?” Tracy laughed, looking back at Tori who was smiling up at her.

“No you won’t but well what can we do about it.” She laughed before continuing. “I had drugs at my house, my parents knew but they didn’t care. I ended up overdosing, Emi was the one who found me and she was the one next to my hospital bed when I woke up.”

Tracy sat there, running a finger on Tori's hand. “I don’t regret a goddamn thing, he deserved it. I just wish I could forget, and that Emi didn’t end up in this shithole with me because she deserves better than this place and yet she still keeps a smile on her face.” She cried, her whole body trembling.

Tracy didn't say a word, instead choosing to get into bed with her, her back resting against the headboard as she held Tori in her arms. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t mean to keep it a secret as long as I did.”

“Hey, none of that you have nothing to apologize for alright? Tracy laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Look you don’t have to answer this but do you still use drugs?” She asked, Tori simply nodding.

“Ok..do you want to quit?” She asked as Tori looked up at her, smiling. “Ok so let’s start there.” She laughed as Tori sat up. “You don’t have any in this room right because that would massively complicate quitting.”

“Not in this room, beneath the house though yeah.” Tori laughed, wiping the tears and mascara off her face. “Fuck I stink, guess staying in bed for two days straight wasn’t my best idea.” She laughed.

“Well I was gonna take a bath after, why don’t we take one together?” She suggested Tori frowning at her. “You’re just trying to look at my tits fucking creep.” She laughed, punching Tracy's arm playfully.

“Hey all the feathers on your body cover your tits, if anything you were the one staring the last time we took a bath together.” Tracy laughed as Tori jumped on top of her. “Ok bath, but no staring at each other's tits.”


“This is..nice.” Tori muttered, playing with Tracys hair. “Yeah, who would’ve thought 100 years ago I thought I’d be alone for the rest of my existence and now I have you and Emi..well Emi was more of a this comes with the package and she's a pain in the ass sometimes but I love her too I guess.”

“Hey, I've had to deal with her for 111 years. You don’t get to complain but it was nice to know that no matter how different my lives may have been, she’d always be a part of it.” She sighed, grabbing Tracys hand and kissing the back of it.

“Are you ever going to tell me how different your lives were?” Tracy asked, not quite sure she wanted to know what could’ve been so different in Tori’s lives. “I don’t know, I like to think I’ll never tell you but I know I’ll break at some point.”

“Was it that bad?” She muttered as Tori turned to face her. “Not telling you, someday but not right now.” She sighed. “That's fine, as long as we’re honest with each other from now on, alright?”



Y'all got lucky this week I could actually bring you a chapter and on time like, anyways I have a 4 day weekend coming up so I should maybe be able to bring you guys another chapter but No promises alright. Love you <3

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