28. Lovian Family

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“I'm sorry what!?” Tori yelled, Tracy's ears going back against her head. “I know it sounds bad but hopefully I can connect with Miriana and Osvaldo.” Tracy sighed. “What if you can't though? What if Heaven finds out!” Tori yelled, clearly panicked.

“Well that's the part where things could get a bit more complicated.” Tracy sighed. “Look, I already casted the spell on the ring, I just need to hope that I'll go to sleep and then wake up to Miriana continuously whispering my name.” Tracy laughed.

“Wow, well hurry up and go to sleep!” Tori laughed as Tracy laid down, Tori wrapping an arm around Tracy's waist. “It's scary, but I trust you two know what you're doing.” Tori sighed as they both fell into a deep sleep.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

“Tracy Elizabeth Blanc, do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to visit?” Miriana laughed as she helped Tracy sit up. “Well you never mentioned I could visit you during our 100 years together.” Tracy frowned.

“So, you’ve been watching over me?” Tracy laughed as Miriana summoned some tea for them. “Yes, don’t worry I’ve never watched you and Victoria having..relations. I’ve checked from time to time, seeing your parents marry, the gender reveal, congrats by the way.” Miriana smiled.

“Thanks, so you know why I’m here?” Tracy asked. “Why of course, my family should be here soon.” Miriana smiled as a door appeared out of nowhere, swinging open and Mirianas family walking out. “Tracy, you look well!” Osvaldo laughed.

“Don’t be all friendly with me Osvaldo, you’re the one who stuck me and Tori in this whole mess to begin with!” Tracy yelled, static surrounding them. “Oh dad! Why didn’t you let the seraphims handle it!” Abigail yelled.

“Ophelia would’ve done anything if it meant putting an end to me, even facing the seraphims or even God himself.” Osvaldo sighed. “Oh yes, Tracy, this is my elder sister, Abigail.” Miriana smiled as Abigail stared at Tracy, tears welling in her eyes.

“Tracy?” She muttered as Tracy shook Abigail's hand. “Yep, my grandma named me, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Tracy smiled. “Tracy is a lovely name.” Abigail laughed, blinking the tears out of her eyes.

“Regardless, dad you should’ve let the seraphims handle it or even the elders, Sera, Emily, Mary or even God!” Abigail yelled. “Abigail has a point, any of them would’ve been more than willing to help, why you kept her soul to begin with is beyond me.” Andrew scoffed.

“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Tracy yelled in frustration. “Alright, there's nothing much we can do since we’re all dead, but if you can reach any of our remaining family in Heaven, they can join us here and should Heaven receive news of my death they can testify for you.” Osvaldo sighed.

“There's just one issue with that. I’m Hellborn and not part of the royal family in any way!” Tracy yelled. “Not to mention I have no knowledge of your extended family and not sure if you remember this but I froze over the entirety of the Pride Ring! Who's to say they wouldn’t think I’m trying to do the same to Heaven!” Tracy sobbed.

“She has a point, it’s highly unlikely she’d be allowed into Heaven, she isn’t related to them by blood nor did she marry into it.” Miriana sighed. “Elena Flores!” Victor yelled, everyone staring at him in confusion.

“Tori’s grandma? Not sure if you remember this but she's a sinner now.” Tracy scoffed. “While that is true, she chose to fall. She didn’t commit any sin, she could fight for her spot back and could have you and Tori testify for her!” Victor cheered.

“What about Elena though? Will she be stuck there?” Tracy asked. “No, she would still have the option to go back to Hell if she pleased, although I don’t believe Heaven would be too happy about it.” Victor laughed.

“Oh Victor dear you’re a genius!” Miriana cheered. “Alright so all you have to do is convince her to fight for her place back, go to Heaven and find our family.” Abigail explained. “One small issue, how am I going to find them?” Tracy asked.

“Why, that's easy, the Morningstars keep a close relationship with our remaining family. Since Charlie and Vaggie are the queens of Hell they would be there for all of it.” Osvaldo smiled.

“There's just one thing though, you can’t make Mrs. Flores aware of the reason for the visit to Heaven, should she find out she’d have no choice but to inform the elders.” Osvaldo warned. “Ok, seems easy enough.” Tracy laughed nervously.

“That’s not the only reason I came here though.” Tracy sighed, everyone staring at her. “The curse hasn’t left me and I can’t live with the constant fear I could freeze again and neither can my loved ones.” Tracy explained.

“The curse should’ve left when my mothers soul died!” Miriana yelled as she stood up. “Hold on, Miriana, you two technically share a soul, the curse must be confusing Tracy for you! Abigail pointed out.

“Oh no, alright when you go to heaven, go to the old castle, find my old room, my diary and journals are in there, hopefully not completely destroyed and they could hopefully help you find an answer.” Miriana sighed.

“Ok, it’ll all be ok, hopefully.” Tracy sighed. “Ok, now just wake up. Don’t forget we’re just a dream away if you need us.” Miriana smiled as Tracy suddenly sat up in bed. She looked around, realizing Tori wasn’t in bed with her and it was bright out.

“Tori!” Tracy yelled just as Tori walked into the room with two coffees. “I was wondering if you’d be awake by the time I got back.” Tori laughed as she kicked her shoes off, sitting in bed with Tracy and handing her a coffee.

“Thank you.” Tracy yawned, Tori kissing her forehead. “So, how’d it go?” Tori asked as she sipped on her coffee, Tracy taking a deep breath in, Tori immediately understanding that she wouldn’t like what Tracy had to say.

“Things are a bit more complicated than they were before.” Tracy sighed. “Whatever it is you can tell me, we’re in this together.” Tori smiled, placing her hand on Tracys. “We need your abuelita to fight for her spot back into Heaven.” Tracy spoke quickly, Tori choking on her coffee.

“What!?” Tori choked. “Tracy, how in Charlotte’s name is my abuelita fighting to get back into Heaven going to help with anything!?” Tori yelled.

“If she does this we would be able to testify for her and since Charlie and Vaggie are the queens they would be there and be able to get me in contact with the Lovians remaining family and then they would be able to get Osvaldo's statement so if Heaven ever found out about his death their family could testify for us.” Tracy explained.

“Well shit-.. Wait but what about my abuelita? She will be able to come back to Hell if she wants to, right?” Tori questioned further. “Yes! The only thing is we can’t tell her why we need her to fight for her spot back, otherwise she would have no choice but to let Heaven know about everything.” Tracy sighed as Tori hugged her.

“Estaremos bien, verdad?” Tori cried, Tracy brushing her fingers through Tori's hair. “We’ll be alright, I promise.”

Authors Note

So this was technically supposed to come out yesterday but I sorta forgot..sorry. Anyways I started summer school Monday, it was boring but tolerable, just a month to go YAY. On a more serious note though, if chapters come out a bit more slow then I'm sorry, again summer school and all that stuff.

Love you - Meliox.

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