19. Be Safe

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5 months ago

Tracy sat up in bed, Tori next to her sound asleep. "Tori." Tracy muttered, getting no response as she got out of bed, stepping into her slippers and heading downstairs. The walls were lined with portraits of her and Tori.

One of them at their high school dance, the same one that was in their lockets, another of them next to the oak tree they reunited at when Tracy first came back and another of them the Christmas before Tracy had died.

It was the most recent one that caught Tracy's attention though, it was of her and Tori at one of Tori’s gigs last week, the widest smiles on their faces. All this time of not seeing each other and they were finally starting to settle down.

Suddenly there was a knock at the front door, despite her better judgment Tracy walked towards the door, summoning a blessed knife in her hands as she opened it, being met with Vexi. "You!" She yelled, holding the knife up to Vexi's throat.

"Ok just, before you get mad I'm sorry. Alright?" Vexi stammered. "What makes you think I'll let you come near me or Tori after the extermination that day! You're lucky I don't kill!" Tract muttered as she stepped outside.

"Ok look, just let me take you out for some drinks and explain myself ok?" Vexi sighed, Tracy slowly pulling the knife away from her throat. "Fine, but only because I don't want all your screams waking Tori up when I kill you."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"So, you two are catching up?" Vexi laughed, Tracy glaring at her. "Yeah, didn't know she could dance so well until now but hey, whatever she wants to do she puts her all into." Tracy laughed, checking her phone to make sure Tori hadn't woken up.

"Yeah well, after I heard everything that happened, you guys, your parents and the whole pride ring I guess I realized I was acting well." Vexi paused. "Like a bitch, stupid, ignorant piece of shit, waste of an egg and sperm?" Tracy growled.

"Ok! Fine all of that!" Vexi yelled. "Well..I don't really care I mean everything is fine now I don't really have much to be mad at you for anymore." She laughed. "Friends?" Vexi muttered, reaching a hand out to Tracy. "Friends." Tracy laughed, shaking Vexi's hand.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Tori your friends are waiting for you outside." Emi sighed, grabbing Tori's shoulder and shaking her, getting no response. "Tell them to go without me." Tori murmured, pulling the blankets over her head. "Tori, you can't stay in bed all day." Emi muttered.

"Yeah, Tori, I'm sure this whole thing with Tracy will blow over." Lydia laughed, Tori glancing up at her. "Oh yeah, my other lives were better without you there, let's keep dating! Honestly I'm not surprised she left." Tori cried as Emi pulled the blankets off of her.

"Ok that's it, Victoria Elena Flores you get out of this bed and go dance with your friends!" Emi yelled, sitting Tori up and forcing her into her bathroom. "Emi, will you stop!?" Tori groaned, trying to go back to bed.

"No! Tori, if Tracy loves you, which she does, you'll work through this together one way or another no matter how long it takes, for now though get out of bed and go do the thing that makes you feel alive!" Emi yelled, as she left the bathroom to grab Tori's dress.

"You really think we'll get through this?" Tori sighed as Emi walked back into the bathroom. "Yeah, besides she'd be stupid to walk out on a beauty like you." Emi laughed, hugging Tori.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Why did you have to drag me to this stupid show?" Vexi groaned as they sat down. "Ok first off it's not stupid, and secondly I've been missing for a week, at least having you with me will explain who I’ve been with." Tracy sighed as she spotted Angel and Alastor a few tables away from them.

“Fuck.” She muttered under her breath, catching them staring at her and Vexi. “Oh shit..your parents aren’t still mad about everything I did are they!?” Vexi muttered, clearly panicked. “I doubt they'll pay too much attention to you, I haven’t said a thing to them in a week.”

“Tracy.” Alastor growled from behind her. “Oh I thought I felt your creepy presence behind me, hi papa.” Tracy laughed nervously, turning to face her parents, Angel and Alastor looking down at her.

“So let me get this straight, you get into an argument with Tori, go missing for a week and we find you back here with Vexi!?” Angel yelled as music started playing. “Ok before you get mad, my phone died and I didn’t have a charger.” Tracy laughed nervously.

“Do you have any idea how worried we were? You should’ve come to us, let us know where you would be or at least that you’d be safe!” Alastor yelled, Tracy not paying attention, instead watching as Tori danced, completely entranced.

“Alastor, shh, let her watch her girlfriend.” Angel laughed, tears streaming down Tracy’s face. "This seems to be making you more upset." Vexi muttered, grabbing Tracy's hand. "It is, but I've missed her." Tracy sighed as she and Vexi got up.

"Tracy, wait, just promise wherever it is you're going, it's safe?" Angel sighed. "Of course, mama, I'll visit you next week, just tell Tori I’m sorry alright?” Tracy cried as she hugged Angel and Alastor.

"Oh sweetie, I’m sure whatever it is that's going on, you’ll get through it together.” Angel sighed, Tracy looking up at him. "Mama I left her when she needed me, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't take me back."

"Are you forgetting all the pain I put your mother through and he still took me back, believe me Tracy. If Tori's the one you're meant to be with, no matter how long it may take you'll find your way back to each other." Alastor laughed, catching Tori staring at them from afar.

"Although for now, it may be time for you to go." Alastor laughed as Tracy and Vexi started to walk towards the exit. "Tracy!" Emi yelled as they got outside. " Tracy will you just listen to me!?" Emi yelled as Tracy snapped her fingers, her and Vexi disappearing into the shadows.

"You don't think, her and Vexi, y'know?" Tori muttered, tears leaving her eyes. "She's your girlfriend, you tell me." Emi sighed, Tori rubbing the bite on her neck.

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