The concert ticket - Bang Chan

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You felt your hands getting sweaty and your pulse rising as you checked the time for the nth time.

Only one minute left. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

"Relax y/n" your best friend Chan said as he appeared behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders.

"How am I supposed to relax? I wanna go to this concert so bad, but I'm so scared that I can't get tickets!" your voice was very high pitched and full of anxiety.

Chans hands started to slowly massage your tensed shoulders.

Suddenly, the website directed you to the queue.

"How are there 35.000+ people ahead of me?!" you squealed "This will take more than an hour until I'm even able to get to the seat selection...and by then there won't be any tickets left." You buried your head in your hands.

"You don't know that yet. Let's just wait until it's your turn. Do you want something to eat?"

"I think I'm gonna throw up if I eat something now."

Chan chuckled. "Okay. Do you want something to drink?"

You shook your head again.

"What do you want?"

"Tickets for the conceeeert!" You whined and Chan busted out laughing.

-45min later-

"I'm in!!" you screamed, causing Chan to shoot up from your bed and run over to you.

You looked at the seat options that were left. Your heart dropped as you saw that only the super expensive VIP tickets were left. Everything else was sold out.

"Noooo..." tears started burning in your eyes and made their way down your cheek. "I don't have the money for the VIP t-tickets." Your voice cracked at the end of the sentence.

Chan pulled you into a hug and gently stroked your back.

"I'm sorry y/n. Let's try again in an hour. Sometimes tickets are back on sale after a while, you know?"

Chan tried to comfort you. A long sigh escaped your lips while you slowly nodded your head against his chest.

But even after an hour there were no affordable tickets left. The concert was sold out. You tried to get your hands on tickets over different websites and searched your socials for people selling their tickets but you had no luck. And so the concert started approaching and you got more and more frustrated and sad by the day.

-one week before the concert-

"What are you up to?" Chan asked.

"Dying..." you replied dramatically while throwing yourself on the bed.

The male on the other line of the phone laughed: "Oh come on y/n! Don't be too upset about it."

"I will never be able to go to their concert. This is already the second time that I didn't manage to get any tickets."

"I know bub, I know. How about I treat you to your favorite ice-cream?"

"No, I wanna drown in my self-pity."

You sounded like a three year old throwing a tantrum, but you didn't care. You were sad and disappointed.

"Pleaseee." You could literally see Chan pouting.

"Fineee. I'll meet you there in ten." You groaned and pushed yourself up from the mattress.

"See you in ten." Chan said triumphantly before hanging up.

You changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt before grabbing your bag and leaving your home. Chan was already waiting for you in front of the ice-cream shop. When he spotted you, he smiled brightly and waved excitedly.

"Why are you in such a good mood today?" You asked after pulling away from the big hug he gave you.

"Can't I be happy to see you?" Chan asked with a fake pout on his lips. You smiled and playfully hit his chest.

After getting your favorite ice-cream you two found a bench in the nearby park. You sat down and started chatting about this and that. You could feel your mood getting better with every minute. Chan never failed to make you smile and giggle. After you two finished your ice-creams, Chan turned to you with a grin on his face.

"I have a little surprise for you. Close your eyes and open your hands."

"What? But I..."

he cut you off: "No buts! Come on, you can trust me." He winked.

You raised an eyebrow at him but then decided to do what he told you. You could hear Chan giggle as he placed something in your hands. You opened your eyes and saw a white envelope.

"What is this?"

"Just open it."

You opened the envelope and pulled out two pieces of paper. Your eyes grew wide, and your jaw dropped. You slowly looked up at Chan, who was smiling widely.

" did you get these?"

"My friend's uncle knows the owner of the venue. So he was able to organize two tickets."

You practically jumped onto Chan hugging him like a koala.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the best Chan!"

He laughed. "You are welcome bub. I know how much this concert means to you, and I can't stand it when you're sad."

Without realizing it, you pecked his cheek before pulling away and staring at the tickets in your hand again in disbelief. Chan blushed, but you were too busy with your own thoughts to notice the effect you had on him.

"I got you two tickets, so you can take someone with you."

"What do you mean someone? You are coming with me. And I won't accept a no." You protested.

"If you insist" Chan teased. You nodded excitedly.

-time skip; day of the concert-

You were already waiting outside your home when Chan showed up.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Almost." He furrowed his brows. "This is for you." You said while holding out a small bag.

He took it and looked inside. A smile appeared on his lips as he pulled out a shirt from the artist's merch line. The same one you were wearing.

"Thanks y/n." he said before quickly changing into the shirt.

You blushed a little and lowered your eyes because of his exposed upper body.

"Let's go!" Chan said, and so you went to the concert venue.

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