Sick - Han

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Why isn't he replying to my texts? He hasn't even read them. Should I try to call him? 

You started getting worried about Jisung. He was basically glued to his phone all day, so it was very odd for him not to reply to you for hours. You had texted him in the morning, like most days, but now it was already afternoon, and he hadn't even read the messages. 

You decided to call him. But no matter how long you let the phone ring, nobody answered. Standing up, you grabbed your coat and your bag. 

This is not right. I will see if he is home. Maybe something happened? 

All kinds of different scenarios started playing in your head. You hurried to your car.

After arriving at his place, you rang the bell. You heard someone coming to the door. As it opened, your eyes widened. Jisung was standing in the doorframe. Deep black circles beneath his eyes and red cheeks. Wrapped into a blanket like a burrito, only his head sticking out. 

"Oh, hi, y/n." his voice was hoarse. "What are you doing here?" 

"I was worried because I couldn't reach you." 

"Oh, sorry, I've been sleeping all day. I feel miserable." 

You took a step closer to him, reaching up to his forehead. His skin was burning against your hand. 

"Let's get you back to bed. You are burning." 

"Burning hot, I know." Jisung smirked, and you rolled your eyes, laughing. Even when he was sick, he couldn't stop flirting. 

You gently pushed him inside and closed the door. 

"Did you take any medicine?" 

He shook his head. "Don't have any here." 

You opened your mouth but closed it again. There was no need to confront him about why he didn't call you to bring him some. Instead, you went into his kitchen and put water in the kettle. Opening the cabinets, you took out a mug and the tea you had bought him a while ago. Jisung was standing in the doorway, observing you. 

"Go back to bed, Jisung. I'll bring you some tea, and then I'll go buy some medicine." 

"Alright mom!" Jisung joked and waddled towards his bedroom. 

You smiled to yourself. Sometimes you do feel like a mom while taking care of him. But you didn't mind it one bit. You would always have his back, and you knew he had yours.

After the tea was done, you walked into his room, where you could almost not find him beneath all the covers. 

"Here is your tea." You gently spoke when he opened his eyes. 

He gave you a small smile while reaching for the mug. 

"I'll go to the pharmacy now. Do you need anything else beside medicine?" 

"Could you make me something to eat? The chicken soup you made me last time I was sick? It was pretty good." 

"Sure, no problem. Now try to get some more sleep."

-time skip-

After coming back, you walked into his bedroom again. This time, all the covers were tossed aside. You gently shook his shoulder. 

"Here, take this. It'll help the fever go down." 

He did as you told him. You picked up a blanket and put it back over him. 

"Nooo, it's too hot in here!" he whined. "I hate this. One minute I am cold, the next I am hot. It's exhausting pushing the blankets away and, after 30 seconds, having to get them again." 

"Stop grumbling and go back to sleep." you laughed. 

He looked adorable with his flushed cheeks and pouty lips. 

"I'll start preparing the soup now. I'll call you when it's done." 

Jisung hummed and snuggled back into the blanket.

You poured some of the soup into a bowl. Debating whether to bring the soup to his room or set it on the table. Turning around you almost jumped when you saw Jisung standing in the doorframe. 

"This smells so good, y/n. I didn't realize how hungry I actually was." 

"Eat it as long as it's hot." 

You sat the bowl down on the table, and Jisung started eating right away. You felt his forehead again, and the fever seemed to have gotten less. 

"I feel much better now. Is this some sort of magic portion?" he asked while eying the empty bowl. 

"Maybe it is." you winked as you both started laughing.

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