The cookie dough thief - Changbin

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Your boyfriend, Changbin, had been begging you for weeks now to bake him his favorite cookies. "Without your cookies, I won't survive!" he had whined. Thinking about his pout still made you chuckle.

Today he was coming over to hang out. Since the weather was bad, you thought you could bake the cookies today. You had just started preparing the ingredients when your doorbell rang.

You opened the door, revealing a smiling Changbin.

"Hi babe!" he pulled you into a big hug.

"Hi Binnie!" after giving him a kiss, you stepped aside to let him into your home.

He walked to the kitchen to place down the bag with snacks he had brought when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. As you were following close behind, you bumped right into his broad shoulders.

Changbin squealed and turned around, now facing you. "Are you going to make THE cookies today?"

You couldn't suppress a huge grin forming on your face.

"Yes, I thought the weather would be perfect for some cookies. Don't you think?"

You winked at him as you walked past him into the kitchen to continue unpacking and preparing everything to start. Changbin walked up behind you and hugged you. You could feel his breath on your ear as he said:

"You are the best y/n! I'll help, just tell me what to do."

Even though you had been dating for almost six months now, you still got flustered every time he got close. Trying to cover up your flushed cheeks, you teased:

"I don't know Binnie, maybe it's better if I make the cookies alone. Remember last time you helped me? I'm not really fond of burned cookies, you know."

Changbin crossed his arms over his chest and squinted his brows.

"That was not nice babe. I told you that I could roll out the dough on my own, so it's not my fault that you forgot the cookies in the oven."

One could think that Changbin was genuinely mad at you now, but you knew him too well to fall for it. The corners of his mouth were tilted slightly upward, and the sparkle in his eyes gave it away.

You just shrugged and continued to weigh the different ingredients. You started by putting the flour and the sugar into the mixing bowl. Then you started adding the butter and eggs. While you were working, your boyfriend had sneaked up behind you once again and was resting his chin on your shoulder, his arms loosely hanging around your waist. No one spoke a word, but it was not an uncomfortable silence. Changbin was enjoying watching you mix all the ingredients, and you simply enjoyed having your boyfriend next to you.

As you were about to put the chocolate chips into the bowl, Changbin's hand shot forward, grabbing a few and plopping them right into his mouth. You chuckled as you were playfully scolding him:

"Don't eat them all now, otherwise, there won't be any left for the cookies."

Changbin just hummed in response.

After the dough was done, the two of you took a bit of it and started to form small balls to place them on the baking tray. As you turned back around after putting the first charge into the oven, you caught Changbin chewing on something. Placing your hands on your hips, you questioned him:

"Are you eating dough again?"

Your boyfriend flashed you an innocent smile but nodded his head. "It tastes really good."

"But you are not supposed to eat the dough. First of all, the more you eat now, the fewer cookies you'll have later, and second, you'll get a stomach ache if you eat too much of it."

The two of you continued forming small cookies with your hands and placing them on the baking tray, but the longer you were doing this, the more dough ended up in your boyfriend's mouth and not on the tray.

"The dough is supposed to go onto the tray, Binnie."

But no matter what you said, he didn't listen. Before he was able to put yet another bit in his mouth, you snatched it right from his hand. After looking at you in disbelief for two seconds, he started chasing you around the kitchen. You tried to escape, but you had no chance. He caught you, gripping your arms, and slowly walked forward until your back was pressed against the wall.

"Who do you think you are to steal my snack?" he questioned you in a playfully serious voice.

"Dough is not a snack." You stated in your best innocent voice.

His face was only millimeters away from yours now, your noses almost touching. Your heart started picking up its pace again. He looked into your eyes before smiling and giving you a peck on the cheek. Then on the other cheek. Then on your lips. You were lost in his eyes when you suddenly remembered something.

"BINNIEEEE! The cookies!!" you suddenly yelled, breaking free from him, and rushing to the oven.

But it was already too late. This charge of cookies was not golden brown anymore but black. You just stared at your boyfriend, who looked shocked for a second before bursting out into laughter.

"I'm sorry Babe. Come on, let's finish the last cookies. I promise I'll behave."

You started laughing as well. How could you be mad at him when these were exactly the moments you cherished the most?

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