At the grocery store - Seungmin

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You were mindlessly strolling through the aisles in your local grocery store.

After getting everything you needed, you took some time to check out the different brands of your favorite noodles. Picking up a package, you took a step back only to bump into someone's chest.

"I am so sorry. I should have watched where I was going." a voice said as you turned around.

A pair of brown eyes were looking at you with an apologetic look. Taking a step back again realization hit you. Standing in front of you was none other than Kim Seungmin. His hair was effortlessly styled, like it had already been back then. His facial features had gotten sharper since you last saw him. It had been years since you last saw him. You hadn't expected to run into him again, but you couldn't deny the strange feeling that came over you when you saw him. You had been a shy teenager in high school, too afraid to tell him how you felt about him. Now, here you were, standing in the same aisle with him.

"Are you okay?" Seungmin interrupted your thoughts.

"Oh yes. I should be apologizing, I wasn't paying attention."

"Wait, y/n, is that you?"

He remembers me?

"Yeah..hi. Seungmin, right?"

You faked, not being sure who he was. Too embarrassed to admit you clearly remember him.

"Yes. Wow, it's been so long. How are you?"

There was a spark in his eyes. You felt the same spark in your heart. You wanted to run away, but your feet seemed to be glued to the ground.

"I'm good, thank you. And yourself?"

"I am good too. Do you live in the neighborhood?"

"Yes, I do. Are you visiting someone here?"

"No, I moved back to town a few weeks ago, taking over the family business."

"Oh wow, that is great!" you replied, feeling a little self-conscious.

But as you continued talking, you could feel the chemistry between the two of you growing.

"Listen, I've got to run, but it was really nice seeing you again."

You turned around.


Seungmin's hand caught your wrist gently.

"I know this might sound crazy, but would you want to grab a coffee sometime? Catch up, maybe?" he scratched the back of his head, looking a little nervous.

Your heart fluttered. You hesitated for a moment, your heart racing. It had been so long since you'd felt this kind of connection with anyone, this sense of possibility.

"I'd like that," you managed to reply, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'd really like that."

Seungmin smiled widely at you, his eyes twinkling with a mix of happiness and relief. A warm feeling spread through your chest.

"Great. Here, put your number in." he said while handing you his phone.

As you exchanged numbers, the old chemistry between the two of you seemed to crackle in the air. You had always wanted to explore the connection you seemed to always have had. As you left the store, you felt like a high schooler again, butterflies in your stomach, a big smile plastered on your face. Maybe this chance encounter at the grocery store was more than just a coincidence.

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