Lullaby - Seungmin

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The moonlight poured through the gap in the curtains, casting a silvery veil over the rumpled bedding. Your heart raced as you tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable position. The cool air from the open window tickled your skin. You glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, its red digital numbers taunting you: 3:47 AM. You suppressed a groan. It had been hours since you went to bed. Your head was so loud, circling around the same things again and again.

At this point I might as well give up and get out of bed. I will only end up waking up Seungmin if I keep turning.

You sat up and were about to drag your legs onto the ground as Seungmin moved beside you. As if he was sensing your restlessness he rolled over and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"Hey," he whispered softly, looking up at you "You can't sleep?" 

You nodded "Sorry for waking you up. I'll get out now so you can continue sleeping." 

"Don't you dare leave the bed." Seungmin protested while wrapping his arms tighter around you. 

A small smile spread across your face. 

"But I can't sleep and it's enough if one of us is awake at this hour." 

But Seungmin was not having it. He gently pushed you back down and pulled you into his chest. He started to draw light, random patterns on your back. You snuggled into his chest and hummed lightly. Suddenly Seungmin began to quietly sing, his voice as smooth as honey. The notes danced around the room, filling the air with a sense of peace and calm. His voice was soothing, like a warm blanket on a cold night. You loved his voice. It had the most calming effect on you. After a while he stopped. 

"Can you sing one more song please? I love listening to you sing." 

"Then I'll sing as many songs as you want." Seungmin replied while placing a soft kiss on your had. 

And so he continued singing.

As you listened to him sing, your eyelids grew heavy. The rhythm of his voice lulled you into a state of relaxation, and slowly your breathing slowed. Your mind slowed down, the racing thoughts faded away, replaced by the sound of his voice. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, safe and secure in his arms.

The next thing you knew, the sun was streaming through the window, bathing the room in a warm, golden light. You stretched lazily, enjoying the feeling of his arms still around your waist. Your boyfriend stirred beside you, opening his eyes, looking down at you and smiling sleepily. 

"Good morning," he said softly. "Sleep well?"

You nodded, returning his smile. 

"I did, actually. Thanks for singing to me." 

He shrugged modestly, even though you knew he was pleased with the effect his voice had had on you. 

"Breakfast?" he asked, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

You sat up as well, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. 

"That sounds good, I'm starving!" 

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