Trust - I.N

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You woke up to a world of gray. The air was cold and damp, and even your bedroom seemed to be shrinking around you, as if it were a cage designed to hold you in. Your limbs ached from the weight of your misery, and your chest hurt from the pressure of the emotions you had been suppressing for far too long. You didn't want to get out of bed, but you knew that you had to. You couldn't keep hiding from the world any longer.

You glanced over at the spot where Jeongin should be, but the bed was empty. For a brief moment, you felt the familiar feeling of loneliness spread in your chest, but then you remembered last night. "Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts." You had told him and he had stayed. You could trust him.

With a deep breath, you pushed back the covers and swung your legs over the side of the bed. The cool air on your skin was a welcome contrast to the stuffiness of the room. You stood up, wincing again as your muscles protested the movement, and slowly made your way to the bathroom. The familiar routine of brushing your teeth, washing your face, and changing into comfortable clothes helped to ground you, to remind you that you were still alive and capable of taking care of yourself.

When you emerged from the bathroom, you found Jeongin sitting at the edge of your bed, watching you with those intense eyes of his. He smiled softly when he saw you. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.

You shrugged, not sure how to answer. You felt... better than you had before, but still not quite right. 

"A little better," you said, sitting down next to him. "Thanks for staying."

Jeongin smiled warmly and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. 

"I'm always here for you, you know that." 

He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your temple. 

"How about we make some breakfast? Maybe that'll help lift your spirits a bit."

You felt a small spark of hope ignite in your chest at the thought of food. 

"That sounds good." 

You stood up, leaning on Jeongin for support as you made your way to the kitchen. The simple act of moving together, of having someone there to lean on, made a world of difference.

As you cooked, Jeongin sat at the kitchen island, watching you with a look of fondness in his eyes. You glanced over at him every now and then, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. The aroma of eggs and toast filled the small space, and soon enough, you had a plate of food ready for you both.

You took your seat at the table, and Jeongin joined you a moment later. He reached across the table to take your hand in his, his skin warm against yours. 

"I'm here for you, you know that," he said softly. "No matter what."

You felt your eyes sting at his words, but you forced a small smile. 

"Thanks, " you said, your voice rough with emotion. "I appreciate it."

You took a bite of your eggs, savoring the salty flavor and the comfort it brought. Across the table, Jeongin watched you, his expression gentle and concerned. 

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" he asked, carefully. "Something that's been bothering you?"

You considered his question for a moment. Keeping everything to yourself felt like a heavy weight pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe. But maybe, just maybe, sharing it with Jeongin would help to ease the burden.

"I... I had a fight with my parents," you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper. "It wasn't about anything big, just... little things. They're always so critical of everything I do. They make me feel like I'm never good enough. Like I will never be the perfect daughter they wanted. Like I will never be a worthy heir to the business." 

Your voice broke on the last word, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. 

"I just wish they could see me for who I am, you know? They never seem to care about that."

Jeongin's expression grew somber as he listened to you, his grip on your hand tightening. 

"I'm sorry to hear that," he said, his voice gentle. "Parents can be difficult to deal with sometimes, and it's not fair for them to put that kind of pressure on you." He paused, considering his next words before continuing, "You should talk to them about it. They might not realize the impact of their words and actions."

You nodded, wiping away a tear that had escaped your eye. 

"I know, but it's hard. They never seem to want to listen." You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. "It's just... sometimes I wonder if they even like me."

Jeongin's expression softened even further, and he leaned forward to press a kiss to your knuckles. 

"Of course they like you," he said, his voice firm. "They're your parents. They might not always show it in the best ways, but deep down, they love you. And you know what? They're wrong. You are amazing, and you deserve so much better than that."

You felt a lump form in your throat as you looked up at him, his words giving you a tiny bit of comfort. 

"Thank you." you whispered.

The silence that fell between you was comforting. You didn't feel like you had to fill it with words, and for once, it was nice to just be with someone who understood without needing to explain. As you finished your breakfast, Jeongin continued to hold your hand, his touch warm and reassuring.

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