Chapter 50

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Abel is sitting on the counter while Carlisle wrapping Bella's hand in a splint. She punched Jacob in the face yesterday because he kissed her without her permission. Rosalie is leaning against the counter beside Abel, perusing several different newspapers, looking for updates.

"Total misunderstanding," Carlisle says to her. "It's just a sprain, should mean fairly quickly."

Emmett jumps up onto the counter and drapes an arm over his mate's shoulder. "Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time, Bella?" he teases.

"I punished a werewolf in the face," Bella admits.

"Bad ass..." Emmett grins in amusement. "You're gonna be one tough little newborn."

"Tough enough to take you on," Bella taunts.

Abel gets down off the counter and he goes upstairs to work on unpacking what he's brought over. Emmett smiles at Bella.

"I got him," Emmett says and he follows Abel before Bella follows Rosalie onto the balcony that's right off the kitchen. "Hey, Abe. I'm sorry." He walks over and he wraps his arms around Abel.

"I don't want her to be a vampire," Abel whispers.

"I know, but she will be," Emmett murmurs. "Maybe not now, but Alice thinks soon."

Abel closes his eyes and he leans back against Emmett. Emmett kisses his shoulder and holds him while Rosalie tells her story to Bella.

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