Chapter 55

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Abel stands on the balcony at home on a day later on in the year in late mid-August. Bella and Edward are getting married tomorrow on the eleventh. Abel's darkening eyes take in the guys and Rosalie carrying logs in from the woods. Abel can't get near Bella because her blood is very strong. She's not his singer, according to Edward, but she smells better than most.

"You have to break them in," Alice says from below the balcony.

"I've been breaking them in... for three days," Bella states. "Can I just go barefoot?"

"No, absolutely not!" Alice exclaimed, appalled.

"I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know?" Bella says. "The dress and the shoes, and all of this."

"Hey, sweetie," Esme coos as she comes out as Jasper and Carlisle leave the woods with logs for benches. "How are you?"

"I'm holding my breath right now because Bella is right below me," Abel says. "This sucks. I didn't want to be a vampire."

Esme wraps a tender arm around him and Abel calms down. "I love you, Abel. You're my son."

Abel sniffles. "Really?" He turns to her with venom-filled eyes.

Esme touches his face. "I love you like my son." She smiles. "When I killed myself, I had a miscarriage because of my ex husband. Do you believe reincarnation?"

"I do," Abel replies. 

"I think my baby was reincarnated in you."

Abel's bottom lip trembles and he hugs Esme. "And I think my mom reincarnated in you."

Carlisle watches them with soft eyes after he puts the bench down. He looks at Jasper. "How is he doing?"

"He's handling it well," Jasper says. "He's good about controlling himself around Bella, but he's still worried he'll slip. He's a newborn for another couple of months. He'll get there."

Carlisle nods and he watches his wife and Abel talk with smiles on their faces now.

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