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Alexis "Elsa" Mikaelson parks her car outside the house and walks towards, knocking on the door. Jeremy Gilbert opens it

Alexis: I was told Elijah Smith is here. I'm his business partner

Jeremy: Come on.

Alexis steps into the house looking around

Jeremy: I think he's upstairs

Alexis nods and walks up the stairs hearing her brother Elijah's voice coming from one of the bedrooms.

Elijah: Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals, but those that fear him are desperate for his approval. If word gets out that the doppelgänger exists, there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and I can't have that.

Alexis opens the door

Alexis: He's not the most feared, isn't he?

Elijah flinches slightly shallowing a gulp.

Elijah: Elsa, what are you doing here?

Alexis catches a heavenly scent, her inner wolf growling as she turns around catching the confused eyes of Elena Gilbert. Alexis tilts her head and purrs; smirking

She grabs Elena's hand lifting it to her lips, Elena looks away shyly blushing

Alexis: Hello darling, you have a lovely home. I'm one of Elijah's witches.

Elena: E-Elena.

Alexis: Such a pretty name for a pretty girl, Love

Elena's blush deepens, tucking her hair behind her ears.

Elena: You say Klaus isn't the most feared? Who is?

Alexis: Her name is Alexis. She's more powerful then Klaus and far more ruthless if you anger her. She's the most brutal. Burned down entire kingdoms in one night. I'll leave you while Elijah does what he loves. See you around, darling

She winks at Elena as she walks out of the room, down the stairs and gets in her car driving away.

Alexis: Mate.


Alexis walks into her mansion slinging off her jacket and walks into the parlor, pouring herself a glass of bourbon. Elijah steps out of the shadows

Elijah: Why are you here, Alexis?

Alexis: Same as you I suppose. I have my sources that Niklaus has all he needs to break the curse he sacrificed himself to save me. What were you discussing with the lovely Elena?

Elijah: I made a deal. She does nothing. Continues to live her life until Niklaus comes to break the curse and in returned, I protect her loved ones from harm

Alexis: You won't have to wait for long

Elijah: Do you know where he is?

Alexis: Of course, he's my twin. He tells me everything. I'm not going to tell you.

She downs her drink and slowly walks out of the parlor

Alexis: Oh Elena is under my protection. She is my mate

She walks up the stairs leaving behind a shocked Elijah who's lips curls up into a smile

Elijah: Elena is my sister's redemption.

Alexis walks into her room taking out her phone and dials a number

Alexis: Our sources were correct. Mystic Falls has all you need to break your curse, dear twin. Get your arrangements ready for the next full moon and find that elixir I had made. I need it for the doppelganger. See you soon, Niklaus.

She hears someone walking downstairs, she walks to the top of the stairs staring down

Damon: Hiya bosslady.

Alexis: Hello Damon.

They smirk at each other

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now