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Elena dodges an arrow that Alexis shoots at her. It sticks into the tree behind her instead.

Alexis: A little slow. I almost got you.

Elena: That's why we're not using the wood ones for hunter defense class.

She takes the arrow out of the tree and throws back at her; she dodges it as well. She smiles.

Alexis rushes towards her, taking her in her arms; wrapping her arm around her waist pulling her closer to her

Alexis: Do you have to go? Stay with me, Love

She leans down and begins kissing her sweetly on the neck. Elena tilts her head back and moans

Elena: I promised Bonnie I'd go with her to Whitmore. The professor that took over her Grams' classes, he invited her. Listen to me. You are the one who's getting me through this, no matter who teaches me how to feed.

Alexis speeds her against a tree.

Alexis: Just be safe, okay?

Elena: I will. I promise

They smile at each other. Elena cups her face and kisses her

Elena: I love you, baby

Alexis: I love you more, darling.


Alexis lays down a tarp as Klaus enters the room

Klaus: Having fun with your new plaything?

Alexis: Oh I haven't even begun.

Connor is chained up to a piece of wood

Alexis grabs a knife and slowly walks closer towards him

Alexis: You prisoned someone special to me, nearly took her from me and for that, I am angry. As soon as you outlive being useful, hunter, I will gladly tear you to sheds. I will make it slow and painful.

She jams the knife into his shoulder making him scream loudly. She leaves it in and walks away.

Klaus: Looks like we have to beef up the hybrid detail.

Stefan walks out of the shadows.

Stefan: I was gonna take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain.

Alexis: It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch.

Stefan: What'd you get out of him?

Klaus: Not enough. He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?

Stefan: Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled.

Alexis: Thankfully we know plenty.

The twins walks out of the room waiting for Stefan to follow them

Stefan stares at Connor for a few more seconds and follow them out. Klaus shuts the doors to Connor's prison room and turns to Stefan.

Klaus: So, what's with the home invasion?

Stefan: Damon said you knew something about this guy. Now, I should have figured out that you were up to something

Alexis: If you're referring to me healing my mate, I would have done that anyway. You, I just don't care about.

Stefan: Who is this guy? What's the Five?

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now