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Alexis with Tony behind her steps inside the Grill and approaches Elena at a table. Elena stands up, eyeing Tony with shock

Alexis: Get a round in, Tone?

Tony smirks walking towards the bar and sits down.

Elena: What are you doing here?

Alexis: My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out

Elena: Shouldn't be too hard to find.

Alexis: Truth is, me and Niklaus....we've grown fond of your town, think we might fancy a home here. Maybe you could permanently move into my mansion, Love.

Elena: You're drunk. It's not exactly your most attractive look.

Alexis: Hmm- what is my most attractive look?

She moves closer towards her.

Alexis: I imagine you're wondering how does this is affect you. The answer is: not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word.

Elena: What more could you possibly want?

Alexis: Where's Stefan?

Elena: I don't know.

Alexis throws a dart hitting the bullseye straight down the middle.

Elena: That sounds like a you and Stefan. Why don't you go get your shit and remove yourself from this town?

She moves closer to Alexis, snaking her arms around her neck playing with her hair.

Alexis: What do you think by doing this, you're 6 inches shorter then me? I could have you on your knees if I wanted too so no I don't think I'll be leaving but darling, you'll be in my bed tonight

Elena: I hate you

Alexis: Aw, I love you too

She leans down pressing her lips to hers. Elena tangles her hands in her hair moving her lips slowly against hers.


Alexis stands in the parlor looking at her handy work with a smirk. She hears the door opening as Stefan enters the house

He looks around at ten people sitting around the room, couche and chairs.

Alexis: Ah found you, Ripper. I've come here with a warning.

One of the heads falls off its body rolling on the floor stopping at Stefan's feet. Alexis smirks.

Alexis: If you wish to continue going down this road, I assure you have no one on your side. If you want war then you have war. War it is then, Ripper.

She vamp speeds past Stefan, blowing his hair in the breeze.


Klaus and Mindy are walking through the rooms of a large mansion; workers are everywhere.

Klaus: Compel the men to open up this wall. We need sun. I want a fortress not a dungeon.


She walks out of the living room

Alexis: Your stupid hybrids better be following my blueprints or so help me, I will rip everyone of their heads off and leave them on pikes.

The hybrids cower away from her in fear

Klaus: Relax, dear sister, they are following your blueprints.....besides they're not all mine, remember?

Alexis: Yes but my hybrids have brains at least.


Elena: Alexis? What are you doing here?

She opens the front door

Alexis: My stupid twin has turned my home into Hybrid Station and I need a quiet place. Can I come in?

Elena: Sure you can.

She steps aside and Alexis walks inside the house, Elena slams the door grabbing her wrist spinning her around and cups her face smashing their lips together. Alexis pins her against the wall lifting her leg placing it around her waist.

Elena: So-----

Alexis kisses down her jawline to her neck

Elena: Even his hybrids are annoying you now?

Alexis: Yes but mine knows better then to annoy me.

She sucks marks into her neck, Elena tilts her head back moaning out softly.

Alexis: Plus I need quiet so I can do magic

Elena: Magic?

Alexis: To find my family. Stefan stole them and I aim to find them.

Elena smiles, nuzzling their noses together.

Elena: I love you

Alexis: I love you too, my love.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now