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Elijah walks into the mansion heading into the parlor sighing at the sight before him. Alexis naked with a half naked woman on her knees bobbing her head sucking Alexis's cock

Alexis: Less teeth, darling.

Elijah: Alexis, I thought you agreed to behave?

Alexis purrs caressing the girl's hair sweetly, sliding her cock out of her mouth and stands her up walking behind her pressing a kiss to her neck

Alexis: Only having a bit of fun, Elijah. We had a lovely evening, didn't we, darling?

She kisses the girl's neck

Alexis: This one here-----I like her. What do you need?

Elijah: I want you to do what you agreed to. Protect Elena and her friends. I see you've grown to care for Elena.

Alexis scoffs and begins walking upstairs as her brother follows, she walks into her closet

Alexis: She intrigues me.

She walks out in black leather jeans, a blue blouse, black heels and red lipstick.

Alexis: I'm tasked with protecting her today again?

Elijah: Yes.

Alexis: A promise is a promise, brother.


Alexis walks into the house closing the door as Elena squeals jumping in fright, hand on her chest as she walks down the stairs

Elena: You got to stop scaring me.

Alexis: Sorry, Love.

She walks into the kitchen and uses her powers to float two cups out of the cabinet setting them down. Elena slowly walks in the kitchen watching her.

Elena: You know how to make yourself at home, don't you?

Alexis smirks pouring water into the cups then placing the tea bags. She hands a cup to Elena who smiles.

Alexis: Are you okay? Tell me the truth, darling? How are you feeling?

Elena: Yeah. Jenna's head spinning, but I'm okay.

The door opens and Stefan stands in the doorway of the kitchen glaring at Alexis

Alexis: Hello Ripper. It's so rude to stare

Stefan: What the hell is she doing here, Elena?

Alexis: Don't you have somewhere you need to be?

Stefan: I'm not leaving you alone with Elena. You work for Elijah

Alexis: If I wanted to hurt any of you, I would have. I don't work for Elijah. I work with him. There's a difference. I've already taken a liking to Elena so I came to protect her today. Now off you, Ripper before I lose my temper.

She flicks her wrist sending Stefan flying though the door and slams it shut.

Elena: Why are you working with Elijah?

They sit down on the couch in the living room

Alexis: Friend of the family. I owed him so he helps me, I help him

She places her hand on Elene's knee making the brunette look down then back up to her

Alexis: I meant what I said, Love. I won't hurt you. If you don't trust me then trust my word.

Elena: Okay.


Jules grabs Caroline, pushes her face-first against the RV and puts a gun to her back. Tyler sees Caroline being held at gunpoint, but he doesn't do anything. Brady grabs a stake and is about to kill Damon, but suddenly, all of the werewolves except Tyler begin to scream in pain. They all cover their ears with their hands and fall to their knees.

Caroline: What's happening?

Tyler: What the hell is going on?

Alexis walks out of the woods, her hands raised, chanting a spell.

Alexis: Elijah and I made a promise to Elena. It will be upheld. Doggies, you need to go now or I shall bring down hell upon you and rain blood. Lockwood, you go with them.

Tyler: What? Why the hell for?

Alexis: I don't like you

Damon: No one fucking does.

Alexis: You and your friends leaves town now.

Tyler walks towards her with an angry expression, Damon snickers

Caroline: Tyler-----just do what she says.

Tyler: Caroline-----

Alexis turns and walks away from the scene.


Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie are setting up a movie to watch when the doorbell rings.

Caroline: I got it

She opens the door, seeing a delivery boy

Here you go.

He hands her two paper bags of Chinese food.

Caroline: We didn't order anything.

Is this-----Caroline Forbes's house?

Caroline: Yeah

Then it's the right place. It's already paid for. And here----

He hands Caroline a note and walks away. Caroline walks back into the living room placing the food down on the coffee table.

Elena: Where did this come from? We didn't order anything?

Caroline hands the note as her and Bonnie begins pulling out containers of food.

Bonnie: Read it out loud, Elena.

Caroline: What's it say?

Elena sighs opening the note so she can read it

You needed to be with your best friends tonight so I asked Damon what you favorite foods were. I hope you have a lovely night with your friends. Until we speak again. With Love, Alexis. Have a wonderful love.

Bonnie: Wow that was really sweet of her to do, Elena.

Elena smiles tracing her fingers along the writing

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now