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Rebekah is having her nails polished by an assistant. Kol is standing before a full-length mirror wearing a black evening suit while a tailor adjusts it. Finn and Elijah are also standing in the room preparing for the ball.

Kol: Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am.

Rebekah: Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled.

Alexis speeds into the room and grabs Rebekah pinning her against the wall, hand around her throat hissing at her


Elijah and Kol grabs her pulling her away while Rebekah coughs rubbing her throat

Rebekah: Aw, did I hurt your lover, sister? She shouldn't have daggered me

Alexis: Go near her again and this time you won't ever be released.

Rebekah glares at her in anger.

Rebekah: Elijah.....

Elijah: Alexis is right. Go near Elena again, Rebekah and I will personally throw your coffin in the deepest ocean and leave you to rot.

Rebekah gasps looking at him in shock hearing Elijah say those words to her.


Alexis walks into the Grill heading over to the table Elena is sitting at and plops down beside her

Elena: Hey

Alexis: Hello Love.

She pulls out a white envelope and hands it to Elena who opens it seeing "Be my escort to my family's ball?"

Elena: Of course I will be your date.

Alexis: See you there then, my love

She pecks her on the lips before walking away, Elena smiles watching her leave the Grill.


Cars are pulling up the driveway in front of the mansion. Inside there are lots of people talking. A live band is playing classical music. Alexis walks though the crowd stopping in her tracks catching a heavenly scent, she turns to the doorway seeing Elena enter in a beautiful gown.

She walks up to her

Alexis: My love, you look ravishing.

Elena: Thanks

She links her arm with hers and Alexis escorts her into the ball.

Elijah: Uh, if everyone could gather, please.

All the Originals are standing on the staircase as Elijah addresses the company. Esther walks down the staircase from upstairs.

Elijah: Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.

Alexis speeds down the stairs in front of Elena holding out her hand

Alexis: May I have this dance?

Elena: Yes you may.

Alexis takes her hand and leads her out onto the dance floor

Alexis: You look ravishing.

Elena: You said that already

Alexis: Doesn't make it any less true, Love.

They move around the ballroom staring into each other's eyes

Alexis: I want to kiss you

Elena: Let's go somewhere alone.

They walk out of the ballroom and up the stairs. Alexis leads her down the hallway to her and Klaus's art room. Elena grabs her wrist spinning her around to face, grabbing her jacket pulling her closer and smashes their lips together.

Alexis places her hands on Elena's thighs as Elena tangles her hands in her hair as they move their lips together, lips smacking against one another.

Elena pulls away and slowly slides the zipper down on her dress letting it fall hitting the floor. Alexi growls eyeing her in her black lingerie.

Elena smirks unclipping her black bra and throws it across the room then slides her panties down her legs

Alexis: Fuck it

She unbuckles her pants and pulls them down kicking them off as her cock springs out. Elena licks her lips eyeing the cock before getting on her knees pushing her hair back

Elena: There it is

Alexis grabs a handful of her hair and spears her cock down her throat, she purrs and begins moving her hips back and forth. Elena gags bobbing her head as saliva spews down her chin.

Alexis moans tilting her head up, thrusting her hips, balls smacking at Elena's throat.

Alexis: Such a perfect mouth you have, Love.

She caresses her hair sweetly looking down seeing Elena staring up at her with those doe eyes while bobbing her head and slurping.

Alexis blurs her hips thrusting fast. Elena gags loudly. Alexis growls and roars shooting her load down Elena's throat.

She pulls out and slaps her cock against her mate's chin.

Elena: So fucking yummy

Alexis: We're not done yet, darling.

She stands her up and spins her around bending her over the couch, Elena looks over her shoulder and smirks jiggling her ass, placing her leg on the cushion.

Alexis presses the head slowly inside Elena's puckered hole shoving it inside in one go. Elena sees stars as Alexis hisses at how tight her ass is. She bucks her hips slowly thrusting in and out.

Elena goes crossed eyed and tongue drooling out


She bites down on the back of the couch before looking up to the ceiling


Alexis pants working her hips, unbuttoning her shirt and slings it off then unclips her bra leaving her naked. She blurs her hips ramming into her mate until her balls churn making her thrust harder, balls smacking loudly at Elena's thighs.

She roars exploding her load deep inside Elena's ass. Elena squeals while Alexis slowly thrusts in and out before pulling out. She presses soft gentle kisses on her back

Alexis: How do you feel, Love?

Elena moans only in response

Elena: Let's keep going

Alexis: Good.

Elena turns around and lays down on the couch pulling Alexis on top of her who places her legs on her shoulders and aims her cock at her cunt slamming inside balls deep. Elena throws her head back, rolling her eyes to the back of her head

Alexis slams into her with full force thrusting fast, balls smacking at her ass with each thrust.


Alexis leans down shoving her tongue down her throat in a heart makeout session. Elena kisses her back moaning into the kiss

Alexis: Fuck! Take it! Take it, my little whore!!

She growls while Elena wraps her legs around her waist

Elena: OH DADDY!!

Alexis throws her head back and roars unleashing her load deep inside her womb, Elena goes crossed eyed, tongue drooling out

Elena: Fuck

Alexis smiles leaning down kissing her lovingly and passionately on the lips

Alexis: I love you, my love

Elena: I love you too, baby.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now