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Elena walks out of the bathroom putting her hair up in a ponytail. Alexis stands in the middle of the bedroom. Elena grabs her backpack

Elena: I'm gonna be late

Alexis: Be late then

Elena: Alexis, it's school. The thing I'm always late for.

Alexis comes up behind her and wraps her arms around her waist.

Elena: Hey!

Alexis spins her around facing her

Alexis: School? What is school?

She leans in closer kissing her neck

Alexis: Stay here. With me.

She nibbles at her neck sucking marks into her skin, Elena tilts her head back moaning softly

Alexis growls and lifts her up carrying her over to the bed and lays her down smashing their lips together, Elena smiles into the kiss

Elena: Alexis!

Alexis kisses down her jawline towards her neck. Elena giggles.

Elena: Okay! Five minutes!

Alexis: I can do a lot in five minutes, my love.

They continue kissing each other.


Alexis is sitting at the bar listening to the line band, a glass of bourdon in her hand. Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jenna walks in. Alexis catches her mate's scent and purrs

Elena approaches her and sits down beside

Elena: Hey

Alexis: Hey darling.

Elena: Did you know Katherine---

Alexis: Of course I knew she would get out, Love. I'm a Original.

She takes a sip of her bourbon

Elena: What's going though your mind?

Alexis: I'm bit down. Someone forgot a promise we made to each other a long time ago. Has me down but I'm cheering up seeing you, Love

Elena: What did this person do?

Alexis: No matter where we were, this day, we would always spend time together or call each other. But this year, no call, no nothing. It's my birthday

Elena: Really? Why didn't you tell me?

Alexis: I didn't want to impose on you, darling. You got too much to worry about

Elena: Well in that case, Happy birthday.

She raises her glass and Alexis raises hers. They drink

Elena smiles at her lowering her drink, admiring her longingly.

Elena: Have you ever been in love, Alexis?

Alexis: Once. Long time ago. Two people actually. We were living in New Orleans but a cunt found them and forced them to leave.

Elena: Sorry to hear that.

Alexis: It's alright. They're somewhere. I'll find them.


Elena pushes Alexis against the wall and lifts her leg around her waist and smashes her lips to hers. Alexis flips her over and pins her against the wall plunging her tongue inside her mouth.

Their tongues wrestles together exploring each other's mouths. The lights goes

Alexis: Power's out

Elena presses her lips to her neck

Elena: Even better.

Alexis: I wish. You should get out of here, Love.

She kisses her on the forehead and walks out of the bathroom. She sees Jonas stabbing Matt in the neck

Alexis: Oh Jonas. Jonas, did you really think Elijah was gonna get your daughter back? You're more stupid then I thought.

She vamp speeds away.


Elena goes into the upstairs bathroom and starts washing her hands. Suddenly she sees Jonas behind her. He grabs her. Her face changes and she bites him. It's Katherine, posing as Elena. Stefan and Bonnie arrive. Katherine is licking her lips.

Katherine: You're welcome.

Bonnie goes toward Jonas' body.

Bonnie: You didn't have to kill him!

Katherine: Yes, we did.

Bonnie gets closer to him and goes to close his eyes but suddenly he gets up and grabs her face. Alexis walks out of Elena's bedroom and down the hall, she raises her hand and flicks her wrist ripping Jonas's head clean off and into her hand.

She drops it

Alexis: I hate witches who think they know all. Whatever it is you are planning to kill Klaus, it won't work. You'll simply piss me off. It was pleasure to work with you, Bonnie and Annoying Ripper.

She walks down the stairs and hits the bottom. John is sneaking up behind her when she sighs flicking her wrist sending him flying against the wall


Damon is leaping up and down on his feet giggling like a boy. John is rolling on the floor groaning in pain.

She walks out of the house. Elena runs out behind her grabbing her wrist

Elena: Are you leaving?

Alexis: I'll be back in a few days. I have something that will save your life, Love. I expect you to be good while I am gone.. Do I make myself clear?

Elena nods her head and wraps her arms around her neck smashing their lips together. Alexis places her hands on her hips moving her lips against hers. They pull away

Elena: Hurry back, okay?

Alexis: I'll be back before you know it, my love.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now