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Elena opens her eyes noticing Alexis is spooning her, she smiles at her tribrid girlfriend. She smiles, sliding her finger down her face tugging her bottom lip with her thumb.

She yanks the sheets off them seeing the flaccid cock and licks her lips.

Elena(whispers): So lucky.

She smirks then crawls down taking ahold of the cock in her hand giving it nice long strokes. Alexis growls in her sleep.

Elena seals her lips around the rod and begins bobbing her head up and down, gagging on the cock

Alexis opens her eyes and looks down at her doppelganger bobbing her head up and down. She caresses her hair sweetly

Alexis: Don't force yourself, darling.

Elena licks the underside and goes back to bobbing her head faster. She pushes herself all the way down touching her nose to Alexis's stomach, the cock nestling down her throat. She reels back slowly

Elena: Did you love this wake up call, baby?

Alexis: Oh yes. Yes I did. I loved it, Love

Elena: Oh my, my, how can I forget about these things?

She goes down and licks at the balls, rubbing her face over them. She sucks one side tugging it harshly

Alexis: Suck on them, darling

Elena giggles  then licks around the base and bobs her head on the cock. She slurps loudly.

Alexis: My beautiful mate, keep sucking

She growls throwing her head back and roars, exploding her load down Elena's throat

The brunette beauty sticks her tongue catching drops until Alexis grabs her and flips her over kissing her chest and stomach making her arch her back.

She kisses her neck as Elena digs her nails into her back drawing blood.

Alexis: Such a naughty girl you are, darling.

She goes back to kissing her neck again.


Klaus walks into the office

Klaus: I see you liked the new paints I got you, sister

Alexis: Yes, they're lovely. I can't thank you enough, Nik. I'm working on my painting for the fundraiser.

Klaus: Oh that reminds me. It seems Stefan has finally figured out Elena is sired to you

Alexis: Took him long enough. How he survived this long being that stupid is beyond me? My love is mine. She belongs to me now. No one else.

Klaus chuckles raising his hands up

Klaus: I didn't say anything, sister but it warms my heart seeing my twin happy.


Damon: Sired? Really Stefan? That is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth, and you've said some crap in your day.

Stefan: It was Alexis's blood that turned her, right? I mean, she's been different from day one because of Alexis. You can't deny that.

Damon: You're just jealous Alexis has Elena to a better place with being a vampire and you're angry that's not you, you little bastard.

Stefan: All right. You know what? Prove me wrong. Tell her it's OK to drink from a blood bag.

Damon: You really wanna die, do you?

Stefan: I won't let Elena be sired to Alexis Mikaelson.

Damon: Nope. You're on your own with this one, brother.

He stands up and leaves the room.


Elena is walking down the hallway. Bonnie and Caroline are at their lockers and see Elena approaching.

Bonnie: Elena, hey. Is everything okay?

Elena: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?

Bonnie: Well, Caroline told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy.

Elena: Matt is at the house staying with him right now to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control. He's OK.

Caroline: But are you? I mean, clearly, they don't have a flat iron at hotel Mikael----

Elena slaps her harshly across the face.

Bonnie: ELENA!!

Caroline holds her cheek staring at Elena who's fuming in anger, the blonde has tears forming in her eyes

Elena: I know about Tyler's plan, Caroline and how you knew. I even told Alexis

Caroline: W-what? E-Elena, please. She'll kill Tyler. I can't lose him. Please don't let Alexis take him away from me

Elena smirks flipping her hair over her shoulder

Elena: You may want to give him a kiss goodbye.

She walks away down the hallway

Caroline: Elena, please! Please, please, please!

Bonnie: Elena, don't do this! Please!

Caroline's knees weaken as she stumbles, tears steaming down her face, Bonnie grabs her arm steadying her

Caroline: What have we done?


Klaus: Would you like a sword, sister?

He grabs the Hunter's Sword.

Alexis: Let me grab mine.

She speeds up to her bedroom and comes back with an old sword.

Alexis: Let us slaughter some hybrids.


Kimberly and the hybrids are walking towards the barn

Adrian: Kim.......

Kimberly turns around as Adrian's heart is ripped out of his body.

Alexis vamp speeds in slashing her sword cutting a hybrid's head clean off.

Klaus has slashed at one of the hybrids who falls to the ground, dead. Another hybrid jumps at him, ready to attack him, but Alexis slices her head off with her sword.

Klaus throws the sword at another hybrid and pinning him to a tree and rips his heart out. Alexis takes her sword and  slashes the throat of another one of the hybrids


Carol: Tyler, honey, you're supposed to be my sober cab. I think I drank half the party.

Carol hangs up her phone and sits down on the edge of a stone fountain. She puts her champagne glass down next to her and takes her shawl off when a hand grabs her by the back of the neck plunging her head into the water. 

Carol struggles to fight the figure off but they continues to hold her head under. Finally, Carol takes her last breath and the life leaves her eyes. Alexis takes his hand off her neck and walks away, leaving Carol's body in the fountain


Stefan and Caroline are sitting in the parlor when someone knocks at the door. They stand up and walks into the hallway, Stefan opens the door and their eyes widens in horror seeing one of the hybrid's heads on the ground

Caroline: Oh my God, we did this.

Stefan: Caroline........

Caroline: Oh my God. Tyler.


Tyler is heading up to the mansion when he notices something on the porch, he slowly approaches and his eyes widens in fear at the sight of Kimberly's severed head staring back at him with empty dead eyes.

He picks up a note that reads: YOU'RE NEXT.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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