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Elena parks her car outside the mansion and walks towards the door, opening it and steps inside.

Elena: Alexis? Alexis?

Alexis walks down the stairs into the parlor

Alexis: Good morning, Love.

Elena turns around seeing Alexis in black yoga pants, her cock outlined. She bites her lips and moves her eyes up Alexis's body.

Elena: You heard me! You knew that I was here.

Alexis smiles walking to her purse and searches though it, pulling out a necklace

Alexis: Happy birthday, darling

Elena: It's beautiful.

Alexis: May I?

Elena turns around, brushing her hair allowing Alexis to clasp the necklace around her neck. Alexis kisses her on the shoulder.

Elena turns and wraps her arms around her neck smashing their lips together, Alexis lifts her up in her arms and vamp speeds upstairs to the bedroom.

She places Elena down and kicks the door closed. They wrap their arms around each other. Alexis runs her hands at Elena's legs and slips her hand underneath making Elena throw her head back

Alexis: I am making you mine!

Elena giggles going to remove the sports bra and tosses it on the floor. Alexis lifts her up placing her hands on her ass, Elena wraps her legs around her waist as they passionately make out.

Alexis pins her against the wall running their hands over each others bodies. Alexis lifts Elena's turtleneck over her head and tosses it away. She licks her lips at Elena's cleavage. Elena gets out of her arms and roughly pushes her onto the bed. Elena laughs swaying her hips approaching her and gets down on her knees.

She slides the yoga pants down Alexis's legs, admiring the toned six pack

Alexis: So what now, my love?

Elena: First you're going to treat me special then I'll do the same to you.

Alexis: Glorious. What's next?

Elena:'re gonna fuck me and make me yours, baby

Alexis: I can't wait anymore. Undress yourself, darling.

Elena unclasps her bra and lets it drop, throwing it on the floor showing her perfect breasts. Alexis coos at the sight of her beautiful mate. Elena places her hands on Alexis's thighs and leans forward brushing her face against the underside and plants a kiss on the head.

She seals her lips around, twirling her tongue and hears a grunt

Elena: Oh look at you moaning for me.

She goes back to bobbing her head. She uses her hand massaging the balls

Alexis: Fuck!

Elena gags feeling Alexis bucking her hips upward thrusting. Elena bobs her head back and forth feeling the head hit the back of her throat. She pushes herself all the way down hitting her nose to Alexis's stomach

Alexis: Such a amazing mouth, my love.

Elena reels back with a loud plop leaving a trail of saliva connected from her lips. She pumps the rod and licks the underside, she goes down to the heavy balls.

Elena: I know what you would love.

She wraps her breasts around the shaft, pressing her breasts together and motioning up and down. Alexis rolls her eyes to the back of her head. Elena tit fucks the cock, rubbing her nipples pillowing the cock and licks the head.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now