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Alexis walks Elena back towards the bed, raising her arms up and takes Elena's shirt off and unclips her black lace bra. She pushes her down on the bed crawling on top of her, kissing down her chest. Elena bites down on her lips

Alexis: Don't do that, darling. Let me hear you.

She smashes their lips together, tongues roaming against each other. She rips Elena's panties off, trailing her hand down her body between her legs, teasing her entrance. Elena throws her head back in pleasure.

Alexis smirks, sliding two fingers inside making Elena squirm under her, moaning in pleasure. Alexis latches her lips around her folds, swirling her tongue in circles, sucking gently on the clit.

Elena: Alexis! Ale---Oh shit!

She grips the bedsheets tightly in her hands, arching her back, going cross eyed.

Alexis: Cum for me, my love.

Elena rolls her eyes to the back of her head, tongue drooling out as she comes undone all over Alexis's face.

Alexis: Are you ready for me, darling?

Elena: Yes.

Alexis: Yes what?

Elena: Yes, Daddy.

Alexis's eyes darken with lust as she hovers over top of her doppelganger. Elena wraps her hands around her neck kissing her lips passionately. Alexis rubs her cock between her folds, smirking before she shoves it inside on one go.

She begins thrusting into her slowly, wrapping her hand around Elena's throat choking her gently

Alexis: So bloody tight.

Elena: Shit! Daddy, I need to----let me cum!

Alexis: Beg me. Beg me to let you cum.

Elena: Daddy, please! Let me cum! I beg of you!

Alexis: Who do you belong to?

Elena: YOU!! SHIT!!

Alexis: Who?!!


She arches her back, rolling her eyes back, tongue drooling out as she comes undone all over the sheets.

Alexis pulls out and pumps her rod spraying her load all over her mate's stomach. She falls down beside her taking her in her arms holding her close.

Elena: Why do you never want to show the good in you to people?

Alexis: Because I couldn't care less what everyone else thinks of me except you, darling. 1000 years I have waited for you and now I finally got you and I'm never letting you go

Elena smiles raising her head and kisses her

Elena: I love you

Alexis: I love you too, my love.


Alexis is driving down the road staring ahead of her, she shyly glances over to the passenger seat seeing Elena resting her head on the window, sleeping soundly.

Alexis smiles a loving smile before moving her eyes back ahead of her driving down the road.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now