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Rebekah is using a knife to carve their name in Runic into the cave wall. Klaus is standing behind her watching while holding a burning wooden torch.

Klaus: Rebekah, let me have at it!

Rebekah: Quiet, Niklaus! I am to have more concentration if I am not to slice off a finger.

Klaus: Father will not like you handling the blade.

Alexis: And we do at his peril. Leave her be, Niklaus. You will have your turn.

Rebekah: If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade! Father need not know.

Klaus: He will find out. He always does.

Alexis: That is because you always tell him.

Klaus: I cannot help it...he frightens me.

Rebekah: He frightens us all. That is why we stick together as one, always and forever.

Alexis: Right, traitor?

Klaus: Right.

Rebekah: Here. You finish it. Alexis and I am to help mother with the meal.

Klaus: Yes, go tend to dinner, and leave the blades to the men, little sister.

Rebekah slams the knife blade-side down into his palm, slicing it open.

Klaus: [winces] Agh, Bekah!

Rebekah: It's just a little blood.

Alexis: Be a man about it.


Elena and Alexis are laying underneath a blanket in bed naked underneath, Elena traces her fingertips across Alexis's chest.

Elena: Why did Mikael start hunting you and Klaus?

Alexis: When Nik made his first human kill, it triggered his curse. Mine was triggered lone before. With that we became our father's greatest shame.

Elena: Elijah told me this part of the story. Your mother had had an affair with one of the werewolf villagers.

Alexis: She put the hybrid curse on Nik. It's my fault he was cursed, he sacrificed himself to save me. Told me to me. When I found out what happened, I went on a rampage, came home and ripped mother's heart out

Elena: You killed your mother?

Alexis: She broke our heart so I broke hers. I torn it from her chest as Nik watches.

Elena looks at her sadly while Alexis runs her fingers though her hair.

Alexis: We're vampires. Our emotions are heightened. Rebekah's stubborn. Elijah's moral. I'm loyal and Nik, he has no tolerance for those who disappoint him. Over a thousand years as a family we've all made that mistake at least once. I've made it several times.

Elena: But you still love him?

Alexis: He's my twin. And I'm immortal. Should I spend an eternity alone instead?

She stands up and grabs Elena pulling her up towards the door but Elena's doesn't move

Alexis: Darling, I said leave.

Elena: I'm not leaving. I'm just looking for one good reason why we shouldn't wake Mikael.

Alexis: How the fact he killed my true father? You lost your adoptive and biological father. I lost mine and I killed my mother. We all lost mothers. If Mikael does come, I will gladly tear him to pieces.

Elena: It's not secret I hate your fucking brother!

Alexis looks at her in the eye, Elena bites her lower lip staring up at her.

Alexis: Tell the Ripper to wake Mikael, I want him to. I will rip him apart and eat him myself. Now leave.

Elena: No.

Alexis: I said le---

Elena cuts her off by cupping her hands to her face and smashes their lips together, Alexis grabs her hips moving her lips harshly against hers lifting her up in her arms. Elena wraps her arms around her neck as Alexis walks her back to the bed laying her down.

Elena(whispers): I love you

Alexis: I love you too, darling.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now