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Alexis is doing paperwork in her office when Elena enters slamming her hands on the desk

Alexis: Hello beautiful. Lovely to see you

Elena: You owe me. Big time.

Alexis raises her eyebrow looking up

Alexis: I do?

Elena: Yes. Your fucking twin brother killed me and I'm still pissed at that. So you owe me, damn it.

Alexis goes back to the stack of paperwork

Elena: I need your help with what to wear to Homecoming. I have like five but can't decide what to wear

Alexis speeds out of the office coming back with four dresses

Elena: What is all this anyway?

Alexis: Some is for renovations going on the third floor and the rest is from my companies I own. 53% of eight multi billion dollar companies. Now onto more important matters.....shall we head up to our room so you can model these for me, Love?

Elena squeals grabbing her hand and drags her out of the office and up the stairs.


Alexis walks into the mansion wearing a dress suit, her hair pulled up

Klaus: Sister, you're outdone yourself, you look ravishing.

Alexis hugs him tightly

Alexis: We've been planning father's funeral for 1000 years. I wanted to look my best when I piss on his dead body.

Klaus: Let's get the fun started, shal we?

They make their way towards the stage.

Klaus: Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me and my sister to celebrate!

Alexis: It's been a long time coming!

She leaps off the stage and makes her way towards Elena who hasn't taken her eyes off her.

Alexis: Hello darling, you look ravishing.

Elena: Katherine woke Mikael and I see you flaunting your body trying to make me jealous

Alexis: No I wasn't but I did the job correctly.

She brushes her brunette hair and whispers in her ear.

Alexis: I can smell you, Love.

She nibbles at her earlobe, Elena's breath hitches in her throat as Alexis chuckles brushing her lips against her neck before walking away leaving a flustered and turned on Elena behind


Alexis and Klaus are playing beer bong when Mindy approaches

Mindy: You got a visitor

Klaus: Tell our visitor that I'm on the brink of victory

He smirks looking at Alexis

Mindy: He said his name was Mikael.

Klaus and Alexis snarls in anger as Klaus throws the ping pong ball into the cup

Alexis: Well let's not keep him waiting. Shall we, Nik?

Klaus: Yes we shall, sister. Move everyone out back. We're gonna have a little chat with our dad. Tony, you know what to do.

The twins makes their way to front door as Mikael comes into their sight.

Mikael: Hello Niklaus, Alexis

Alexis: Hello Mikael. Why don't you come in? Oh right I forgot, you can't

Mikael: Or you both can come outside.

Klaus: Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb.

A group of hybrids gather behind Mikael on the lawn.

Mikael: They can't kill me.

Klaus: True. But it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce.

Mikael: The big bad wolves. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me.

Mindy steps out pulling Elena with her as Alexis's eyes widens as Mindy throws Elena into Mikael's arms

Mikael: Come out and face me or your mate dies, Alexis.

Klaus: Go ahead, kill her.

Elena: No, he'll do it. Alexis, please. Please, Alexis, he'll kill me.

Alexis looks up with no emotion and stares at her but tears are forming in her eyes.

Mikael: If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations and you lose your happy ending, whore.

Klaus: I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill her.

Mikael: To what end, Niklaus. Getting rid of your twin sister's mate. So you can life forever with no one at your side. Nobody cares for you anymore, BOY! Who do you have, not Alexis, only the loyalty of those you've forced. No one. No one!

Klaus's eyes are building up with tears

Alexis: My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead and I will rip you limb from limb, put you back together then do it all over again, BOY!

Mikael laughs then drives the knife though Elena's back, she cries out in pain as Alexis's jaw drops as Elena's body is dropped to the ground

Alexis drops to her knees crawling towards Elena and takes her in her arms. Stefan comes up behind Klaus spinning him around and stabs the white oak stake, Klaus screams in pain as Damon speeds in tacking Stefan to the ground pinning him down


Damon: Night Night!

He snaps Stefan's neck, grabs the stake and tosses it to Alexis who leaps up in the arm driving the stake though Mikael's heart.

Mikael screams in pain as flames engulfs his body. Klaus and Alexis stands and watches before they step back

Alexis kneels down and lifts Elena's body hearing her heartbeat and vamp speeds away.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now