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Elena is sleeping, her head resting on Alexis's chest.

Alexis: Rise and shine, sleepy head

She presses her lips to her forehead. Elena groans nuzzling deeper into her.

Elena: Five more minutes.

Alexis: Time to get up, my love.

Elena lifts her head up and rubs her eyes.

Elena: It's 6 a.m, damn it!

Alexis: I know, darling.

Elena smiles resting her chin back on her chest, Alexis runs her fingers though her hair smiling down at her.

Alexis: How'd you sleep?

Elena: Better being in your arms, baby.

She lifts her head off her chest and kisses her, Alexis cups her cheek moving her lips against hers turning her over on her back and straddling her. Elena wraps her legs around her waist, moaning into the kiss.

Alexis: I need to leave town but I shall return by tomorrow or the next day. Do stay out of trouble

She kisses her on the forehead

Alexis: I love you, darling

Elena: I love you too, baby.


Rebekah: There's gotta be more to this dress.

Klaus: There's not.

Rebekah: Yknow, me and Alexis got dirty looks for wearing trousers.

Klaus: You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing.

Alexis: I wouldn't say all women in this century dress like that

Rebekah: Alex!

She runs over to her and nearly tackles her in a bone crushing hug.

Alexis: Hey Beks.

Rebekah: I thought I was gonna be struck with your stupid twin.

Alexis: Find Rebekah something to wear. I'd like to leave here as soon as possible.

She plops down beside Klaus and pours a glass of champagne.

Rebekah: And why are you so grumpy?

Klaus: I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it.

Rebekah: I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years.

She looks at Stefan doing a small twirl.

Rebekah: So what do you think?

Stefan: I like it.

Alexis: And our sister knows when you are lying, Stefan.

Rebekah walks back into the dressing room. Alexis flicks her wrist snapping Stefan's neck, Klaus groans

Klaus: Whatcha you do that for?

Alexis leans down and whispers in his ear. Klaus looks at Stefan's body in anger, jaw clenching

Klaus: So he's been lying to me?

Alexis: Yes so let's head back to Mystic Falls and figure this out

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now