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Klaus and Alexis are both working on paintings in the living room. Rebekah/Esther enters.

Alexis: What took you so long?

Rebekah/Esther: Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. [Shows him a stake.] Luckily I'm quite the charmer.

Klaus: That's it?

Rebekah/Esther: The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors or shall I?

Klaus puts the paintbrush down, takes the stake from Rebekah/Esther and throws it into the flames in the fireplace. The flames flare up around the stake.

Rebekah/Esther: Well that's that then.

Klaus: Pack your bags, we're leaving.

Rebekah/Esther: Today?

Klaus: Why not? There's nothing keeping us here.

Alexis: I'll grab Elena and we'll be gone by sunset. We're taking a romantic vacation.

Rebekah/Esther: But tonight is the decade dance.

Klaus: So?

Rebekah/Esther: So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go.

Klaus: I'm not going to any dance.

Alexis: I did promise Elena I would escort. Come on, Nik. One last hoorah.

Klaus: Okay, fine. One last hoorah.

Rebekah/Esther: One last hoorah,


Caroline and Elena are walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Caroline has a clipboard and is in charge of the preparations as Rebekah is missing.

Caroline: So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?

Elena: I just...I wish there was something I could do.

Elena picks up a chandelier.

Elena: Where do you want me to hang this thing?

Caroline: You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself.

She Hands the chandelier to a passingby student.

Caroline: Just no!

Caroline sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling.

Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down.

Matt: Trickle, duh!

Caroline: Look at them all bromancy.

Elena: Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill.

Caroline: That was nice of him.

Elena: Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out.

Caroline: So who you bringing to the dance?

Elena: Who do you think? Alexis said she'll take me.


Alexis grabs a blood bag out of the fridge and opens it taking a sip when her phone rings, she answers it, smiling

Alexis: What can I do for you today, Love?

Elena: You still gonna be my date to the Decade Dance?

Alexis: I did say I would and I meant it, darling. Wear something beautiful for me. I'll pick you up

Elena: Okay. Bye

Alexis: Bye


Elena is adjusting her headband for her costume in a mirror. The doorbell rings. She opens the door. It's Alexis. .She smiles at her.]

Elena: Wow, you look very dapper.

Alexis: You look beautiful. I got something for you

She pins a white rose on Elena's dress.

Elena: Thank you.

Alexis: So, given your dangerous dance karma, sure you're up for this?

Elena: Getting out of bed is dangerous these days. But we have to live our lives.

Alexis: Hmm. Who gave you that horrible advice?

Elena: Oh just my amazing beautiful girlfriend

Alexis holds her arm out towards her, Elena links her arm through hers and they walks away from the house


Elena and Alexis walks into the dance arm in arm

Elena: Teach me some moves

Alexis: Gladly

Elena grabs her hand and leads her out onto the dancefloor. They start dancing and a romantic slow number comes on. They start slow dancing.

Elena: You seem happy

Alexis: Because I am happy and it's all because of you, Love.

Elena smiles, laying her head on Alexis's shoulder while Alexis rests her head on top of hers as they sway slowly to the music


Alexis is walking down the hallway, her phone up against her ear

Alexis: Sweetheart, where did you go? I went to get some punch and you disappeared on me. Call me when you get this. I'm worried

She stops and sees the salt line

Alexis: What is this?

Klaus: Mother's back, Alexis

Damon: And she's got Elena

Alexis tilts her head downward, her tribrid eyes flashing and her fangs baring, she growls. She spins back around placing her hand over the barrier and mumbles a spell, she steps over across the barrier and super speeds away.

Damon: What the fuck?

Klaus: I am Klaus


Alexis vamps into the graveyard and stops in front of Esther who watches in shock as Alexis plunges her hand into her chest

Alexis: If you ever come back, I will tear you to pieces. No one puts her in harms way and lives. Goodbye, mother

She rips out Esther's heart and throws it down on the ground

Alexis: What did she do?

Elena: She made a weapon to kill you

She takes off running and leaps into her arms throwing her arms around her neck, Alexis wraps her arms around her hugging her tightly

She pulls away and cups her face

Alexis: Are you okay?

Elena nods her head.

Elena: I'm fine. I knew you'd come. I knew you would save me, Alexis

Alexis: I will always come when you call, my love.

Elena: I love you

Alexis: I love you

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now