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Alexis is laying on her back sprawled out on a blanket, running her hands across Elena's stomach who's bouncing up and down on her, hands tangled in her hair, biting down on her lips.

Elena's breasts jiggling. Alexis grunts as Elena falls down on top of her smashing their lips together, tongues wrestling together while Alexis raises her hips thrusting hard into her.

Elena pulls back bouncing faster

Elena: Yes! Fuck me hard!

She closes her eyes and moves her hands behind her head

Elena: I love this cock!

Alexis smirks gripping her cheeks and spanks her ass. She thrusts blurring her hips, balls smacking as they churn. She flips Elena over and pumps her cock shooting her load over Elena's back.

Elena: Are you-----OH FUCK!!!!

Her eyes bugs out feeling her ass being forced open by Alexis's cock being shoved inside. Her tongue drools out as Alexis pounds into her

Elena: Fuck that ass!

Alexis: You want to be treated like a whore?

Elena: YES! YES! YES!

Alexis spanks her hard on the ass

Elena: SPANK MY ASS!!!

She bites down on the blanket gripping the edges tightly in her fists.

Elena: Fuck that tight ass!!

Alexis thrusts harder, balls smacking at her thighs. She leans down whispering hotly in her ear

Alexis: I love fucking your tight ass which is why I'm gonna cum inside you.

She nibbles at her earlobe.

Alexis: I know you want it, don't you?

She flips her over without pulling out and pins her legs above her head, Elena grits her teeth

Alexis: Make you mine properly.

Elena: Cum inside my ass!! Do it!!

Alexis: Here it comes! Take it! Take it, my little whore!!

She throws her head back and howls loudly shooting her load deep inside her mate's ass. Elena rolls her eyes to the back of her head

Elena: Oh fuck me!

Alexis slides out as Elena looks up at her with a loving look

Elena: You fucked me nice and good

Alexis: I did.

She presses her lips to her forehead. She buries her face in her neck and nibbles at her neck before sinking her fangs into her flesh. Elena moans running her hands her bare back. Alexis moans as Elena's blood slithers down her throat.

Alexis pulls away licking her lips when Elena flips her over smirking down at her. Alexis grips her hips in a vice like grip and gives a warrior cry slamming inside her entrance in one go.

Elena cries out throwing her head back

Elena: OH FUCK!!!


Alexis pulls her car up into the parking lot. Elena leans over and pecks her lips

Alexis: So today is Caroline's birthday. You can expect Niklaus to be a good boy for 24 hours. Anything you need? You want me to grab anything?

Elena: We order a cake but it won't be ready in time

Alexis: Say no more. I will take care of it. Anything else?

Elena: Do you have any booze?

Alexis: I shall text you when the cake and booze is here. Text me when you're done and I'll pick you up

Elena smiles leaning closer brushing their lips together, Alexis brushes her thumb over her jawline taking in the kiss.

Alexis: Have a good day, my love.

Elena nods grabbing her backpack and gets out of the car heading towards the school.


Alexis: What, Niklaus?

Klaus: Stefan has threatened to drop Eijah in the ocean if we don't send our hybrids away.

Alexis: So? I'll send mine away and you send yours. I will not let my siblings be dropped in the bloody ocean.

Klaus: This calls for----

Alexis: The Ripper holds the cards but if you endanger Elena or any of her family in this, I will stab you in the pee hole over and over again. Must I remind you of the pain again?

Klaus: No.

Alexis: Better plan; harm someone else. Elena will come crying and pleading to me and Stefan will be forced to bend the knee to me. Like Damon already has done. But if you harm anyone I care about, I'll be your worst bloody nightmare.


Alexis walks into a empty room when her phone rings, she pulls it out of her coat pocket and answers it

Alexis: Ah Love, how wonderful it is to hear your voice

Stefan: Hello Alexis, Elena can't come to the phone right now

Alexis's face falls as she clenches her phone tightly in her grip

Alexis: Why do you have her phone?

Stefan: I'm making my next move. Let me ask you something...What will you and Klaus do if he can't make anymore hybrids?

Elena: [yelling] What?

Alexis: Leave her out of this!!

Stefan: Tell your hybrids to get out of town, Alexis

Alexis: Well that's not gonna happen until I get my coffins back.

Stefan: Okay, well then I'm gonna drive your blood source off Wickery Bridge.

Alexis: I don't believe you Stefan. You won't kill her.

Stefan bites his wrist and forces it into Elena's mouth and forces her to drink his blood.

Elena: No! No! No! What are you doing?

Alexis: [concerned] What's going on?

Stefan: I just fed her my blood. No more hybrids if she's a vampire.

Alexis: You won't do it.

Stefan: Really? Try me, because your coffins are next to go. Say goodbye to your family

Elena: Stefan, slow down! Stefan! Stefan, stop it!

Alexis: Fine, I'll send them away. You win.

Elena: [screaming] Stefan! Stefan, stop!


Stefan slams on the brakes and skids to a stop. Alexis hears this and hangs up and storms out of the room, furious.


Elena is standing on the porch when Alexis speeds up pulling her into her arms hugging her tightly, Elena nuzzles in her arms. Alexis peppers kisses all over her face before cupping her face and kisses her passionately.

Alexis: Are you okay?

Elena: I'll survive. I always do.

Alexis tilts her head down pressing her lips to her forehead.

Alexis: I was so worried. I thought I was gonna lose you.

Elena buries her head in the crook of her neck as they sway gently side to side in each other's arms. Alexis kisses her on the side of the head.

Elena: I love you

Alexis: I love you too, my love.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now