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Alexis: Darling, for the last time, I can't help you and your friends with the hunter. I'm in Italy right now.

Elena: You're what!! You went to Italy without me?

Alexis laughs

Elena: Now you're laughing at me.

Alexis: I'm sorry but this was a spur of the moment. Next time I come here, I will make sure to bring you. Perhaps we can even make this our honeymoon.

Elena: Are you going to be home soon?

Alexis: I'll be home as soon as I can. Also if the hunter attempts anything, I want you to kill him and then afterward I want you to come to me where I can help you. Do you understand me?

Elena: Okay. I'll come to you. I love you

Alexis: I love you too, darling.

She hangs up.


A hybrid opens the door and drags Elena into the room

Elena: Let go of me!

The hybrid lets her go.

Alexis: I apologize for the lack of windows. We use this room to preserve art and of course to prevent you from taking off your daylight ring and burning yourself to death in the sun.

Elena: I'm not gonna kill myself. I would never do that.

Alexis: Oh, but you'll want to. I did. Problem is, I'm immortal.

Elena: You went through this?

Alexis: Yes, I did. For fifty-two years, four months, and nine days. I was tormented, in my dreams, my every waking moment, relentless, never-ending torture. It was the only period of my life when I actually felt time.

Elena: So, you knew that this would happen if Connor died?

Alexis: Why do you think I told you to come to me, Love?

Elena raises her eyebrow sending her a glare. Alexis only smirks

Alexis: I'll be in my office. Just tell if you need me

She walks past her heading for the door but Elena grabs her wrist stopping her

Elena: No. Stay with me. Please?

Alexis: Of course, darling

She lays Elena down on the cot and wraps her arms around her pulling her closer to her. Elena nuzzles into her chest while Alexis kisses her on the forehead.

Connor appears

Connor: I can't. I'm going to be with you forever, a constant reminder of what you've become. So, tell me, how did it feel to drain the life out of me?

Elena: It was horrible. It was the worst thing that I've ever done.

Connor: You're lying.

Alexis: Whatever you're seeing, ignore it, my love. Don't pay it no mind.

Elena whimpers gripping Alexis's shirt tightly in her hands, burying her head deeper into her chest. Alexis runs her fingers through her hair

Elena: Please don't leave me.

Alexis: Shush. I'm here. I'm here, Love. You're safe with me. Where you belong.


Elena opens her eyes sitting up and looks around seeing she's in Alexis's bedroom. Alexis stands up and walks over to the bed

Alexis: How are you feeling?

Elena: My head's clear. I can remember everything, but not like I lived it, like it was a really bad dream. You saved me.

Alexis: Of course I did, Love.

Elena takes her hand in hers

Elena: If it wasn't for you.......

Alexis: How can I give you what I promised you if you're dead?

She raises her hand to her lips

Alexis: I need to tell you something. There may be a cure, my love

Elena looks at her confuse and surprised.

Alexis: And if you want it, then I will get it for you. Whatever you want, I will support you and stand beside you. No matter what

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now