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Caroline: How long is this gonna take?

Bonnie: I don't know. He's fighting me.

Luka is moving his head around, fighting the spell. Bonnie's hands are still placed on either side of his head.

Luka: Please stop. Please.

Bonnie closes her eyes and Luka soon follows suit, successfully having been put into a trance.

Bonnie: There. All right. Why are you working with Elijah?

Luka: Klaus. We both want him dead.

Bonnie: You want to kill Klaus, too. Why?

Luka: Because he has her and we have to get her away from him.

Bonnie: Who...who are you talking about?

Luka: My sister.

Jeremy: His sister?

Bonnie: Why does he have her?

Luka: He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the doppelgänger. He's forced generations of witches to help him for centuries.

Bonnie: What has Elijah promised you?

Luka: If we help Elijah kill Klaus and Alexis, he's promised to return her to us.

Bonnie: And how do you kill Klaus and Alexis? How do you kill an Original vampire?

Jeremy: It's okay, Bonnie. We can find another way.

Bonnie: No. [She puts Luka back in a trance.] How will you kill Klaus?

Luka: After the sacrifice, Klaus and Alexis will be vulnerable, weak. It's our only chance.

Caroline: After the sacrifice?

Bonnie: What do you mean, after?

Luka: Klaus will be vulnerable.

Bonnie: But Elena will be dead.

Luka: Yes. Elena has to die.

Caroline: Why does Elsa work for Elijah? What's her role in this?

Luke: No she'll kill me! Please! She'll kill my family! Don't make me tell you!

Bonnie: Who is Elsa to Elijah? Why is she working for him?

Luka: She wants to help Klaus break his curse

Jeremy: Why does she want Klaus to break the curse?

Luka: She's working with Klaus.

Caroline: Who is she?

Luka: Everyone knows her by another name.

Bonnie: What's her name?

Luka: H-her name i-is.......Alexis.


Alexis walks down the stairs in a red silk robe, she pours herself a drink

Alexis: Would you like a drink, darling?

Elena walks into the room

Alexis: Scotch? Bourbon? Whiskey? Beer?

Elena doesn't say anything

Alexis: Fine, bourbon it is.

She walks into the kitchen as Elena follows her

Alexis: Take a picture if you're going to keep staring at me,.

Elena's cheeks turns a shade of pink.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now