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Rebekah and Alexis drags Tyler into the gym

Tyler: Get off me!!

Rebekah: Hush now!

Klaus: You all know my sister Alexis----

Alexis smirks walking over to Elena, moving behind her and wraps her arms around her waist pecking her cheek.

Klaus: I'd like you all to meet my other sister, Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean.

Alexis and Rebekah: Don't be an ass

Rebekah pushes Tyler towards Klaus.

Klaus: I'm going to make this very simple...Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually.

Alexis walks over and bites into her wrist forcing Tyler to drink her blood.

Alexis: I only do this because I don't like him

Matt(whispers): No one fucking does.

Klaus: I need you to find a way to save my hybrids and for Tyler's sake, better hurry

He twists Tyler's head snapping his neck.

Alexis claps her hands together

Alexis: So? The ones I turn wakes faster and therefore needs to complete the transition faster. Don't know why, they just do.

Matt: Is he dead?

Elena: No, Alexis's blood will turn him into a hybrid

Matt: Oh! Yay.

Klaus: And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not.

Alexis: I'll hold onto Elena for safe keeping

She wraps her arm around Elena's waist yanking her closer to her, Elena smiles nuzzling further into her side.

Bonnie and Matt runs out of the gym

Rebekah: So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier

Alexis growls lowly at her sister

Alexis: I rather like Elena more. The hair. The warm attitude.

She presses her lips to Elena's neck, Klaus rolls his eyes

Klaus: Oh get a room.

Alexis: Why don't you go suck Stefan's dick? You know you want to?

Klaus: Ah fuck off.

Alexis: Rebekah, take wolf cunt elsewhere.

She grabs Elena by the hand and drags her over to the bleachers, she sits down pulling Elena down between her legs and wraps her arms around her.

Elena cuddles into her chest sighing happily.


Stefan enters the gym

Klaus: Stefan? Come to save you former damsel?

Stefan: I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty.

Klaus: Well, you broke that pledge once already.

Stefan: Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me...I will do.

Klaus: Fair enough. Let's drink on it.

Alexis: [Pointing to Dana and Chad.] Kill them. What are you waiting for? Kill them.

Elena: No! Stefan, don't. She's not going to hurt me. She already said...

Alexis plants open mouth kisses on her neck, Elena gasps tilting her head to the side giving her more access. Stefan hisses and goes to charge but Klaus speeds in front of him grabbing his throat and throws him across the gym

Klaus then speeds to him lifting him up to his feed and looks into his eyes

Klaus: You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey.

Alexis: Now kill them, Ripper

Stefan vamps out , rushing over to Dana and bites into her neck.

Rebekah marches in and rushes toward Elena.

Rebekah: Where is it?! Where's my necklace?

Klaus: What are you talking about?

Rebekah: She has my necklace. Look.

She gives him the phone so he can see the picture.

Klaus: Well, well. More lies.

Rebekah: it?

Elena: I don't have it anymore.

Rebekah: You're lying!

She vamps out and bites Elena's neck but Alexis grabs her by her hair and launches her across the gym, Rebekah leaps up and hisses

Alexis hisses back showing her tribrid eyes

Alexis: DON'T TOUCH HER!!!


Rebekah: Make your little whore tell me where it is?!!

Alexis tilts her head growling at her sister

Alexis: Why don't you shut up, YOU BLONDE COW!!


Klaus sighs pitching the bridge of his nose

Klaus: Fuck my life

Alexis turns and walks over to Elena who's holding her neck

Alexis: Elena, darling, where is the necklace?

Elena: I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it.

Klaus: Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?

He puts on the clock. There's a buzzer sound when the clock appears on the board. He goes over to Stefan and compels him.

Klaus: Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to.

Elena: No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!

Klaus: No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine.

Alexis: Wait I got a better idea

She walks up to Stefan and looks in his eyes, compelling him

Alexis: Instead of Elena, I want you to find a normal human and feed on them until they're dead then snap your neck over and over again.

She walks back to Elena and grabs her hand yanking her harshly out of the gym.


Alexis throws herself down on the couch. She looks at her hands that's shaking. Elena was upstairs in the master bedroom and looks at the door before making her way down the stairs, Alexis stands up

Elena: Alexis?

Alexis: Elena, darling.....what are you doing here?

Elena: I was waiting for you.

Alexis gives her a tired look, her eyes glossed over

Alexis: I'm tired of running. I want to have a normal life, be happy and stop running from my father.

Elena sits down beside her touching her knee

Elena: Alexis, you need to open up more. Talk to me.

Alexis says nothing standing up and lifts Elena up in her arms making her way up the stairs. Elena has her legs around her waist, running her fingers though her hair, a loving look in her eyes.

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now