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Elena walks down the stairs where Alexis appears behind her and wraps her arms around her waist making the brunette beauty smile

Alexis: Hello Love

Elena: Hey baby

She turns around and snakes her arms around her neck leaning up and kisses her.

Alexis: Love, what----

Elena cuts her off by pecking her over and over and over again on the lips.

Alexis: What's gotten in you today?

Elena: You. I just-----I love you.

Alexis stares at her, smiling. Elena bats her eyelashes adorably making Alexis let a growl and raises her hand spanking her on the rear making her squeal.

Carol Lockwood is on stage, introducing the pageant.

Carol: Welcome to this season's Miss Mystic Falls.

Alexis spins Elena around and wraps her arms back around her the lays her chin on her shoulder. Elena smiles leaning into her chest.

Carol: We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making.

Alexis peppers Elena's face with sweet open mouthed kisses making the brunette giggle.

Caroline: Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes.

Elena walks up the lawn to watch the introduction of the girls. Alexis watches her go with a fond loving smile

Caroline: As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court.

Everyone claps for the girls, including Elena and Alexis. They exchange looks and Elena takes a deep breath. Music starts playing for the introduction of the girls.

Caroline: We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark.

There is a round of applause for Valerie as she walks down the stone steps.

Caroline: Next, we have Amber Wolvertine accompanied by Hector Lindsay.

Another round of applause is given for Amber.

Alexis approaches Elena

Elena: Have you seen Jeremy?

Alexis: No and frankly I do not care, Love.

She wraps her arm around her waist pulling her closer to her side, Elena lays her head on her shoulder wrapping her arms around he waist nuzzling up against her.

Caroline: Katherine Wilson accompanied by Eric Hanson.

A round of applause is heard for Katherine. Alexis presses her lips to the side of her head

Alexis: I'm sure he's fine wherever he is. Stop worrying, okay?

Elena nods her head

Elena: Okay.


Jeremy is sitting in an empty room. He places one of the stakes and pushes it in to the palm of his hand until it begins to bleed. Elena walks in the room. Jeremy takes the stake away and looks up at her.

Elena: Hey, where have you been?

She sees the stake in his hand.

Elena: What are you doing with that?

Jeremy stands up.

Elena: Put it down.

Jeremy: Connor was right. All I can think about is killing vampires.

Elena: You're nothing like Connor.

Jeremy: I want to believe that. And I know I don't want to hurt you, but everything inside of me is telling me to drive this stake through your heart.

Elena: Why would you say that? It's me, Jeremy.

Jeremy: And you're a vampire.

Elena: Yeah, but I'm also your sister.

She gently grabs his wrist.

Elena: Jer, I would never do anything to hurt you.

Elena suddenly smells the blood on his hand. She turns it over and sees it. Veins start crawling towards her eyes. Jeremy looks at her.

Jeremy: No.

She looks up at him and the veins start to go away. She backs up.

Elena: Get – get it away from me.

She turns around. Jeremy strides towards her with a stake in his hand. She turns around quickly, grabs his wrist, and throws him to the ground. Realizing what she has just done, she walks over to him and kneels down next to him. She starts to shake him.

Elena: Jer, Jer, hey, Jer, wake up. Jer, please wake up.

Elena continues to panic and shake Jeremy. Suddenly, he opens his eyes and stakes Elena in the neck with the hidden arm cuff stake. Elena gasps and clutches her neck. Jeremy kneels down in front of her and raises the stake to finish her off.

Alexis vamp speeds into the room, grabbing Jeremy and choke slams him on the floor, hand wrapped around his throat choking him

Alexis: Touch her one more time and I won't care, I will kill you.

She hoists him up and throws him into Matt's arms

Alexis: Get him out of here!

Matt nods shoving Jeremy out of the room.

Elena: I have to find Jeremy. This shouldn't be happening to him.

Alexis: Love, wait. This is my fault.

Elena: What are you talking about?

Alexis: Every time a hunter kills a vampire, the urge to keep killing becomes stronger. I think you should move in with me for the time being.

Elena: Oh? You asking me to move in with you?

Alexis: I mean you're already kind of living there already. Let's make it more permeant. Do you want to move in with me, Love?

Elena nods her head happily throwing her arms around her neck and kisses her

Elena: Yeah I would love nothing more then to move in with you, baby.

Alexis smiles placing her hands on her hips

Alexis: I love you, darling

Elena: I love you, baby

Alexis Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now