Chapter Thirteen

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Everyone was gathered in Granny's cafe, waiting for Snow's response to David's proposal. There was an air of excitement and anticipation, as everyone wanted to see what she would say. But Snow was feeling nervous, and she didn't know how to answer as they only just got back together and she knows they already got married.

Everyone's eyes were on her, expecting her to make a decision. But Snow was feeling unsure and conflicted, and didn't know how to say what she needed to say.

Suddenly, Snow walks out of the room, leaving David confused and surprised how she reacted.. He looks round and looks at everyone, not sure what to say as he sighs deeply.

Everyone was stunned as Snow walked out of the room. It was such a shock, and no one could believe that she had left without giving her answer.

"What's going on?" David asks, turning to his family and friends, feeling uncertain and confused as Snow still hasn't given him an answer.

Regina quickly rushed out after Snow, calling after her. "Snow, dear, wait!" she shouted.

"Regina, please," Snow replies, her voice filled with emotion. "I need a moment to think."

Regina looks at Snow with understanding and concern in her eyes.

"Why don't you want to marry David again?" She asks gently.

"I didn't say that! Of course i do..." Snow sighs softly

"Then why, the sudden rush out of the door?" Regina wondered

Snow looks down, feeling conflicted and unsure. "I loved David," she says softly. "And I still do but we're already married.. why do we need to get married again?."

"I don't know," Regina sighs. "Maybe, this is David's way of proving to you that he loves you. And he'll do everything to make you happy."

"Yes but.. It's like we're rubbing it in Toni's face, Toni and David only just broke up today... He chose me, i'm so grateful he did and you saw Rumple walk out of the room, because Toni is his daughter.. All i wanted to do was, let everyone know we're back together" Snow sighed deeply

"Let's not involve Toni in this. Yes, she's Rumple's daughter, and yes she and David just broke up, but this has nothing to do with them," Regina says firmly.

"It's easy for you to say" Snow scoffed

"Look, you and David are still in love. We all know that. And this is a good chance for you to finally be happy. Don't let Toni or Rumple, or anyone, stop you from taking the chance to marry the man you love." Regina looks at Snow, trying to convince her.

"I need time to think Regina. Too much had happened in one day!" Snow says softly, feeling overwhelmed

"Of course," Regina replies gently. "Take all the time you need. Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you."

"But remember," Regina adds, "there might not be another opportunity like this for you to marry David again. You deserve to be happy, Snow. And if marrying David again will make you happy, then you should do it, and not let what anyone else thinks stop you."

As Regina says this, Snow finds herself torn. She's not sure what to do next, and she needs some time to think...

Snow takes a deep breath, thinking hard. As Regina looks at her, her face full of empathy, Snow feels a little overwhelmed and nervous.

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