Chapter Twenty Four

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The bustling aftermath of Snow and Charming's wedding extends into the next day, as everyone takes a much-needed, peaceful morning to recover. Despite the roughness of the previous day, the children are already awake, watching a Disney cartoon, its cheerful melody filled with the sounds of singing birds and a warm day. Knowing the breakfast is ready for whenever everyone feels like joining, they can take their time to relax and recuperate before the day begins in earnest, the food kept warm with a touch of hospitality.

Robin opened his eyes and saw, Regina was already awake. He smiled as he reached out and touched Regina's arm  "Good morning beautiful." Regina forced a smile as she thought of what to say to him.

They both sat up in bed, and Robin could sense something was bothering Regina. He rubbed her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Is everything okay? You seem distracted."

Regina knew she couldn't keep secrets from Robin, especially this. She took a deep breath and decided to tell him everything Rumple had said, hoping Robin will understand."Robin, last night... Rumple suggested something really crazy to me.. But i want you to know that i will not go through with it, no matter what" Regina sighs.

Robin listened carefully to Regina, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He took Regina's hand in his own and asked, "What did Rumple suggest? You know you can tell me."

"He said he had feelings for me and that we should have sex, abit of fun without anyone knowing.. I told him no, straight away.. I couldn't keep it a secret again, not after everything we been through. I want to be faithful" Regina sighed, squeezing Robin's hand, feeling nervous

Robin took a moment to process what Regina had said. He felt a mix of emotions - anger at Rumple for suggesting it, concern for Regina and their relationship, and relief that she had told him everything. He looked into Regina's eyes, "What?! Oh my god... Regina, I trust you completely. I'm not going to say I'm not angry, I am. But I also know you would never do something like that." He squeezed her hand reassuringly, showing that he stood by her side.

Regina felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw that Robin believed her. She hugged him tightly, feeling grateful for his understanding and support. "Thank you for trusting me, Robin. I would never do anything to hurt you or betray our relationship. I love you. I just don't know what to do, it's bothering me that Rumple said that" Regina and Robin held each other close

Robin listened to Regina, and a small smile appeared on his face. "I have an idea." He said, looking into Regina's eyes, and giving her a knowing nod. "I'll have a little chat with Rumple, just to remind him where he stands. We can't let him ruin what we have, and if I have to make that abundantly clear, I will." Robin's determination shone, showing his unwavering commitment to Regina and their love.

Regina smiled back at Robin, feeling grateful for his support. "Okay, if you think that's best, then I trust you." She said "But please, don't let it turn into a fight. All we really need is for him to move on and you know what, tell him that i said, i don't want him to walk me down the aisle anymore and i can't have him at our wedding"

Robin chuckled, leaning in to give Regina a reassuring kiss. "Don't worry, dear. I won't let it escalate into a full-blown fight. I just want to make sure Rumple understands the boundaries. And I'll let him know about not walking you down the aisle and not being welcome at our wedding. We don't need his negativity taking away from our special day."

"I feel like, everyone has changed since we moved here in New York, Rumple has changed, and i feel that our friendship has faded, it's not the same now. This connection between us is turning into something, it's not good, it's not good for me, for us and i need to stay away from him" Regina explains as she feels emotional

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