Chapter Nineteen

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Belle's phone suddenly rings, startling her from her thoughts. She sees that it's an unfamiliar number, but something tells her to pick up. As soon as she answers, a voice on the other end inform her that Rumple has woken up from his coma. Belle Gasps in surprise and disbelief, her heart filled with joy and relief. She quickly thanks the caller and hangs up, her mind racing with a million thoughts.

Belle rings Gideon and Bae to meet her at the hospital and told them that their Dad is awake. She looks around the room and Without hesitation, she gathers her coat and keys and quickly leaves the diner, a sense of urgency propelling her forward. As she hurries towards the hospital, her mind is filled with images of Rumple and the possibility of seeing him awake and alert, his familiar gaze once again directed at her. She can barely contain her excitement and anticipation, her heart pounding in her chest.

Finally, Belle arrives at the hospital and makes her way to Rumple's room. Her palms are sweaty and her hands trembling as she opens the door and steps inside. The sight before her is overwhelming - Rumple is sitting up in bed, his eyes open and a faint smile on his lips.

Belle runs to Rumple and leans into kiss him with passion and love, holding his face with her hands gently. 

Rumple's eyes light up with love and joy as he feels Belle's lips on his. Despite his weakened state, he wraps his arms around her tightly, holding her close. The relief and happiness in their embrace is palpable, both of them feeling overwhelmed with emotion after the long, dark days apart. As they pull away from the kiss, their foreheads resting against each other, Rumple whispers softly, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. So did, Bae and Gideon, they're on their way soon. I thought you were gone, i was scared. How are you feeling?" Belle holds his hands

Rumple smiles weakly, his hand gently squeezing Belle's. "I'm feeling tired and weak," he admits softly. "But seeing you and knowing that our family is on its way, that gives me strength." He looks into her eyes, his gaze filled with love and gratitude "You're my hero, Belle. You always have been."

Belle's eyes fill with tears as she hears Rumple's words. "You're the heroic one," she whispers softly. "You faced the darkness and fought your way back to us. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, you're the most important person in my life." She brushes a strand of hair away from his forehead, her touch gentle and full of love.

Rumple closes his eyes, savoring the feeling of Belle's touch. "I couldn't let the darkness win," he murmurs, his voice tinged with determination. "Not when I have you and our children to live for. You are my reason for fighting, my strength and my light."

"Rumple, you're so sweet! But you have changed and i couldn't be more proud, everyone knows you're a hero now because you tried to save Grumpy, and Tim..." Belle smiled, holding his hands more and can't find the right words to tell him about Tim's death

Rumple looks at Belle, sensing that there is something heavy on her mind. "Is everything alright, Belle? You look troubled," he asks, concern in his eyes.

Belle hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to break the news to Rumple in his fragile state. But she takes a deep breath and gently takes his hand in hers. "I have some bad news," she says softly, her voice trembling a little. "It's about Tim."

Rumple furrows his brow, feeling a sense of dread in his gut. "What about Tim?" he asks, his voice tightening with worry.

"He passed away" Belle rubs his hands

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