Chapter Sixteen

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"Zelena!" Said Regina, surprised to see her sister.

"Did you miss me?" Zelena grinned as she walks over to Regina and gives her a hug

"Of course I did," Regina replied, after being hugged tightly by her sister. Her eyebrows raised slightly in surprise as she heard her sister's question, while still not quite believing that her sister was standing right here in front of her.

"I missed you too" Zelena smiled

"I didn't quite expect to see you here," Regina chuckled happily. "What are you doing here?"

"I live nearby, I was passing by and thought I'd come in and say hi to you," Zelena answered, smiling at her sister.

"Are you sure you're not up to something?" Regina joked

"Course not. You'd know about it" Zelena joked back

"It's been far too long since we last talked, we should catch up," she said, moving closer to Regina.

"How long have you lived in New York?" Regina asked

"A while now then i heard StoryBrooke moved here, so i wanted to look for you and here you are, a chef" Zelena answered

"Well, you know, I had to find some way to make a living. Cooking is one thing I actually like... And it turns out I'm pretty good at it, too," Regina said with another smile.

"How about you? How have you been since we last met?" Regina asked, as she wanted to catch up with her sister now that they finally reunited.

"I've been good," Zelena replied. "I've been living in Brooklyn, I came to New York because I wanted a change. It's been great so far, and I've met some great people. I've got a decent job and a nice place to stay. Things have been going pretty well for me," She continued, as she seemed to be in a good place now.

"It sounds really good," Regina said, genuinely happy to hear that her sister was doing well.

"What is your job?" Regina then asked, curious to learn more about what her sister has been doing in the city.

"Ah, I work in accounting," Zelena answered, as she had a decent job in the city. "I enjoy it, and it pays well, which is never a bad thing. I've also met some great people through work, which made my life here even better," she continued, smiling at Regina as they chatted.

"Wow, it's funny how we all have changed since and i'm happy for you!" Regina smiled as she looks at the time "Do you want to come grab a drink next door before it closes? They do lovely drinks and nibbles" Regina asked

"That would be great, I'd love to!" Zelena answered her sister when she was offered the chance to grab a drink with her. "The drinks and nibbles sound delicious."

"Well then, let's go grab that drink and nibbles! I'm sure it'll be a fun chat while we have them," Regina said to her sister.

The sisters then left the restaurant together, and walked over to the drink and nibbles place. As they went, they kept chatting while walking towards the place. They soon arrived at the place, and Zelena and Regina both took a seat, ordering some drinks and nibbles. They then continued their chat over their little snack, catching up on the previous few years.

"So, what made you all decide to move StoryBrooke in New York?" Zelena wondered, finding it interesting

"Well, you see, we decided to move StoryBrooke here for a couple reasons.. One, we wanted to start a new chapter in our lives, get away from the old, and this felt like the perfect opportunity for that. After everything we'd been through in StoryBrooke, we need a change, a new start." Regina explained.

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