Chapter Eighteen

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The police officers in the courtyard suddenly pause as they hear the shout of the guard. They turn around to see the soldiers pointing their rifles at them. The guards move forwards into the courtyard, stepping between Rumple and the police.

One of the officers yells out to the soldiers.

"You have no authority here. Step aside at once."

The officer's order is met with stony silence, as the guards don't budge an inch from their position. They keep their rifles firmly pointed at the officers, glaring at them with clear hostility.

"I'm not asking you again. Remove your weapons and step aside, now."

The officers exchange tense glances, as if they're trying to decide what to do next. The officer speaks up again, with a more serious tone in his voice this time.

"I'm warning you, if you don't remove those weapons we will open fire."

The officers' warnings have reached the ears of the guards, who seem to not care about their threats.

One of the soldiers stares straight at the officers. "That will be a mistake. Try it, and we don't hesitate to shoot."

The two sides are now glaring at each other, both holding firmly to the weapons in their hands. Nobody seems ready to back down. The seconds pass slowly, each one building the tension that much higher. The police officers suddenly realize that they've put themselves into a bad position. They had assumed that they could do whatever they pleased in the manor, but the presence of the guards have now thrown a wrench in those plans. They exchange another round of glances, looking at each other for any indication of what to do next.

One of the officers makes the fatal mistake of pulling out his pistol and aiming it at the guards. As soon as the gun comes out, the guards fire their rifles. Rapid gunfire erupts, and the entire area reverberates with the sound of gunshots. Rumple crawls under them and steps aside of the fence, watching but in pain.

As chaos erupts around him, David pulls out the keys that Tim gave him and dashes towards the door in the back of the manor. Robin, Regina, Killian, Emma, and Tim follow closely behind, moving quickly and strategically to avoid any shots that might hit them. They make it to the door without a problem, and David quickly inserts the key and turns it into the lock.

The door clicks open, and David grabs the knob and shoves the door open. The group quickly goes through, closing it behind them as they move into the next corridor. They hurry down the hall, moving as fast as they can but staying low and out of sight. David checks that the coast is clear, and then waves the rest of the group over. They follow quickly, their adrenaline pumping through their veins. They see another policeman standing there and points a gun at them but Tim had no choice to shoot him.

The group then rushes into the room that the police was guarding, their eyes falling on all the hostages being held in cages. They pause in shock and horror as they see the prisoners' faces, wounded and scared. A grim realization sets in as they realize that there are no signs of Grumpy or Snow. Tim uses his radio's to give the Army updates and The radio updates come through, then Tim lets the group know about the reinforcements they have coming to rescue the hostages. The group shares a look of relief, but they also still wonder where Grumpy and Snow are.

"Oh my god" Robin looks round.

"This is horrible" Regina sighed deeply

"At least we found them" David feels emotional, hoping to find Snow

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