Chapter Eleven

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David stares at Rumple in silence, doesn't know what to say or find the words.

"How.... How is this even possible? Are you sure?" David asked, feeling confused

Rumple sighs and nods slowly. "I'm positive," he replies. "She's my daughter, without a doubt."

"But... but how?" David asks, still feeling shocked by this news. "I mean, I knew you were... well, you're not human. But how is it possible that Toni... that she's your daughter?"

Rumple shrugs. "I can't exactly explain it," he says. "I... I had a relationship, with a real person. It's hard to understand, I know. But it's true."

David sits back in his seat, feeling even more confused now. "I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around this," he says slowly. "Rumple... I, um... I don't know what to say."

Rumple nods, feeling a bit awkward as well. "I'm not expecting you to understand," he tells him. "But at least I'm telling you the truth now."

"Yeah, only because you found out i'm dating Toni" David sighs softly

"I hope this won't mess up your relationship with her" Rumple thought

"I hope not either! We only just got together" David explained

"About 35 years ago, i came to New York.. Remember when Belle and i split up? We had a break.. I met this woman, i wasn't thinking straight and we ended up in bed together... I knew she was pregnant but she packed up her things and ran. I never saw her again" Rumple explained

"Wait, what?" David looks up at Rumple, staring at him in confusion. "You had a child 35 years ago?" he asks incrediously. "And you knew about it the whole time?"

Rumple nods, feeling slightly guilty. "I always suspected it," he explains. "I knew that she was pregnant, and that she ran away. I just... I didn't handle it very well. I shut it out of my mind. I was so obsessed with Belle, and I guess I just wanted to forget it ever happened."

"And now... she's all grown up," David says, realizing the full extent of the situation now. "That's what you're telling me? That Toni is really... she's your daughter?"

Rumple sighs. "Yes," he replies. "She is. And she doesn't know it. For all these years, she's gone by without knowing the truth. I wanted to be a part of her life... but I wasn't ready. And now I'm afraid she'll find out in worse way if I don't tell her at all."

"I guess Belle doesn't know? This is such a mess.. How am i supposed to look at Toni now? Knowing she's your daughter? I'm dating her for gods sake..." David sighs deeply

"Belle doesn't know either," Rumple says, feeling slightly uneasy. "For years, I kept this secret. I felt that if she found out... she'd be angry, that she wouldn't forgive me. And I didn't want to lose her."

David is silent for a moment, thinking. "This is a lot to take in," he says. "But I think it's important that you tell Toni the truth. And soon."

Rumple nods. "I know, you might be right. But it's going to be hard."

"Toni did say, she moved here.. like ten years ago..." David remembered

Rumple sighs and stands up, walking over to David. "I can't keep this secret from her anymore," he says. "I'll tell her the truth. And then... we'll see what happens. I'm sorry for putting you in this situation, David."

David nods. "It's okay," he replies. "I'm sure Toni would want to know the truth, and I'm sure she'll understand."

"She doesn't even know that i'm from a fairytale world! She'll think i am real" Rumple looks at David

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