Chapter Twenty Six

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A few days later...

It's the early hours of the morning as Rumple stirs from his restless sleep. He walks into the kitchen, pours himself a cup of coffee, and switches on the TV. The first news report greets him, and his heart sinks as he reads the harrowing headline: "Former Police Officer Found Dead Under Suspicious Circumstances." With those chilling words, his nerves start to fray and his stomach churns with anxiety.

As Rumple watches the news report unfold, a wave of disbelief washes over him. The media speculates on the nature of the crime, reporting on the investigation underway. Rumple's pulse quickens, his anxiety ramping up. This isn't how he wanted things to go. He had been trying to keep it all under wraps, and now it was out in the open, with everyone speculating and the police closing in. His heart pounds as he tries to keep his composure and figure out how to navigate this delicate situation.

Rumple's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the news report, his anxiety mounting with each passing minute. His mind frantically raced, trying to reconcile his actions with the unfolding events.

"No..." he muttered under his breath, his expression filled with a mix of worry and guilt. He knew deep down that he had acted in self-defense, but the media frenzy and the mention of a "suspicious death" gnawed at his nerves.

Bae and Gideon lets themselves in and check in on Belle and Rumple. Belle is in bed but Rumple is in the kitchen, looking worried. As they walk in the kitchen, they also see the news too, feeling shocked as they know what really happened. 

Bae lets out a deep sigh, the weight of the situation evident in his expression. "No way..." he mutters, his voice tinged with concern and disbelief.

Gideon, the concerned look deepened as he shared his father's worry. "I hope the police don't catch you, Dad," he chimes in. "It was self-defense, and that man took you hostage.

Rumple's worry escalated as he grappled with the implications of the circumstances. "It's going to seem like I killed him," he mused, the fear evident in his tone.

Bae interjected, "But you did kill him.."

With a gentle but firm response, Rumple retorted, "Self-defense!"

Gideon, trying to provide some perspective, posed a crucial question, expressing concern. "Did you take the knife with you? Could you have left behind any evidence?"

"I took the knife with me.. but i was in there for a year, i didn't think straight.. But they might find traces of my blood or anything!" Rumple explained

Rumple nodded, a hint of relief in his expression as he confirmed that he had taken the knife with him. However, his worry crept back in as he pondered the potential trace evidence that remained.

"I took the knife with me," he shared, "but I was in there for a year. I may not have been thinking straight. They might find traces of my DNA, blood, or any other evidence."

"Where's the Knife Dad?" Bae asked

As Bae inquired about the knife, Rumple's mind raced, trying to recall the exact location of the incriminating item. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a flicker of unease.

"The knife..." Rumple responded, his voice tinged with a trace of uncertainty. "It's in the garage, in a toolbox. I haven't had a chance to clean it properly yet."

Bae's disbelief was evident in his voice, his frustration palpable. "You put it in a toolbox? And you haven't cleaned it yet?"

Gideon intervened, attempting to defend Rumple, "Bae, he wasn't himself."

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