Chapter Twenty One

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*Timehop* - 1 year later....

It's been a year since Rumple's disappearance, no one knows yet what really happened and everyone thinks he had just left suddenly and escaped. His family and friends thought it was strange at first, they even tried to ring, text and looked everywhere then most of them gave up. Belle, Gideon, Bae and Toni was upset, they think about him everyday and hoping he would come back. They had so many questions in their head wondering if something happened to him or why would he just run off like that? Some people think "That's Rumple" but the people who knows him like his family, he wouldn't just vanish.

Belle sat by the window of her room, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The room was quiet, illuminated only by the soft, golden light of dusk. Her mind was filled with a maelstrom of emotions - worry, sadness, and doubt, all swirling together in a relentless storm. She missed Rumple deeply, and the uncertainty of his absence weighed heavily on her heart. Her eyes were lost in the distance, searching for a sign or answer that refused to come.

David and Snow sat together in their home, the quiet atmosphere filled with a sense of unease. As they discussed their own wedding plans, their conversations often turned to Rumple's unexpected departure. David couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, and he shared his concerns with Snow. "I hope he's all right," David said softly. "It doesn't make any sense that he would leave like this." Snow's expression mirrored his own worry.

Regina sat alone in her office, her mind swirling with thoughts about Rumple's sudden departure. Frustrated and bewildered, she couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that something had happened to him. As she pondered the possibilities, her expression hardened, her determination to find answers becoming more resolute. She couldn't believe that he would just leave without a word or explanation. Regina silently vowed to do everything in her power to uncover the truth and bring Rumple back, no matter the cost. Regina and Robin hadn't had a wedding yet either.

Toni, Bae, and Gideon had become a steadfast team, determined to find their father. They spent their days and nights scouring the woods, the towns, and any place they thought he might be. On one particular occasion, they had gone camping in the hopes of finding clues or signs of his whereabouts.
The sky was a brilliant canvas of orange and pink as the sun set. They gathered around the fire, the dancing flames cast a warm glow on their faces.

Emma and Killian sat together on the bench, their thoughts filled with mixed emotions about Rumple's absence. Killian, with his rugged charm and roguish attitude, couldn't help but think, "That's just like Rumple, disappearing without a trace." Meanwhile, Emma, with her pragmatic and straightforward nature, considered all possible scenarios. She sighed, her gaze falling upon the gently rippling waves. "Whatever the reason, I hope he's safe," she said quietly

Rumple lay on his side, his body pressed against the cold, damp floor of his cell. A thin blanket, worn and frayed, served as his meager covering. His ragged clothes hung loosely on his emaciated frame, the fabric torn and stained with filth. His once well-groomed hair was now a tangled mess, a pitiful contrast to his former appearance. The faint light from the cracked window cast a shadow on his drawn face, accentuating the despair that had taken hold of him.

David and Snow sat together in their home, their hearts filled with love and excitement for their upcoming wedding. Snow was busy going through her wedding checklist, her excitement palpable in the air. David, however, couldn't fully share her enthusiasm. His thoughts were still on Rumple and his vanishing.

"Snow," he said quietly.

"What's on your mind, David?" Snow inquired, sensing his seriousness.

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