Chapter Four

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Everything is silent, it is late as it's 8pm. It's been a long day. Rumple and Regina are in the living room together, as they both reflect on everything that has been happening recently. Rumple has regained his normal self, with no signs of being corrupted by the Black Fairy, and he wants to have a conversation with Regina. But she isn't quite ready to talk to him yet...she's still processing everything that's been going on and how their lives have changed. Regina looks at Rumple finding it hard to say the right words but eventually, she does open up to him. She is really glad to see him again. Regina walked up to Rumple, giving him a huge hug, feeling emotional.

Rumple hugs her back, and they both feel the relief of seeing each other back to normal again. Rumple is touched by their hug, and he's happy that they've been able to overcome the Black Fairy's magic. He also feels hopeful that they can now team up and take down the Black Fairy and break the curse once and for all.

"I'm so glad to have you back, Regina.. I missed you" Rumple finally says

"I missed you too" Regina sits down, processing everything

"Strange, we don't normally say we missed each other" Rumple laughed softly

"That's true.. but it's been a long time" Regina smirked

"We need to talk" Rumple sighs softly

"We really do! But, firstly.. how did The Black Fairy bring you to life?" Regina asked as she sits down

"I have no idea. It was strange, Regina. One minute, I was in heaven, with Belle, and the next minute, I was alive again...with no memories of what had happened..I ended up in this house, with Belle, Gideon and Bae" Rumple explained

"We ended up in a big sort of mansion... No memories? But then, how did you get your memories back?" Regina asked softly

"I had this weird feeling.. My instincts kicked in and i felt, i was missing something, which led me to finding the memory potion in Black Fairy's magic room. Maybe because i'm the Dark One.. I saw this memory potion and it was calling to me. I then drank it. Then, everything came back to me.." Rumple explained

"But why couldn't you share it with Belle, Bae and Gideon so that they could get their memories back as well?" Regina asked Rumple, her mind racing with questions

"I don't know, Regina," Rumple replied with a shrug. "It's all very strange and I'm not sure how all of it works. I guess the memory potion was meant to be for me. I'm just glad to have my memories back, that's all."

"Don't you want your wife Belle back? Your two Sons back?" Regina asked

"I do, Regina! I want Belle and the boys back more than anything. But, right now the most important thing is to stop the Black Fairy. That is our number one priority. Once the curse is broken, everyone, including Belle and my sons, will get their memories back. You have my word" Rumple replied with a serious look on his face.

"Sounds like a plan... I saw Henry earlier and i tried to convince him to believe me, but he doesn't. That broke my heart. I still got the memory potion that i made, i wish i had given it him straight away. The Evil Black Fairy has too much power over him and made him believe she is his real Mum" Regina sighed deeply

"Regina, I know this has been hard, but we must stay focused on a goal of stopping the Evil Black Fairy from taking over the entire realm. I know you're struggling because your heart is with Henry, but stopping the Black Fairy is the number one priority. Once the curse is broken, Henry will remember you and he'll come home. But right now we must not let the Black Fairy take control. Can you understand that?" Rumple said, looking Regina in the eye and emphasizing his point.

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