Chapter Six

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Emma stares at Belle for a few seconds, guessing she has her memories back and smiles at her. Emma lets her in, wondering where Rumple, Gideon and Bae is.

"Belle.. It's nice to see you!" Emma smiled softly

"Oh, it's so nice to see you too. I'm still processing on everything that's happened!" Belle says softly

"Me too!" Emma agreed

Killian and Regina hears Belle's voice and walks into the room.

"Have you got your memories back?" Killian grinned

"Yes! We all have" Belle smiled, feeling abit worried

"Where is Gideon, Rumple and Bae?" Regina asked

"That is what i came here to tell you all..." Belle takes a deep breath

"What is it?" Emma wondered

"Rumple has sent me here...." Belle says softly

"Sent you to do the dirty work? Just when i thought he changed!" Regina scoffed

"Actually, he has changed!" Belle snaps softly

"Let Belle explain" Emma sighs, looking at Regina

"Rumple gave our memories back then The Black Fairy tried to hurt us, Rumple defeated her. She's gone, i hope....! She got turned to stone and Rumple smashed her into pieces!" Belle explained

"Sounds like, the Rumple we really know!" Regina sighs

"Why don't you check on Snow?" Killian tells her, smirking

"Okay, so.. Black Fairy has really gone?" Emma thought, feeling surprised

"Yes! We saw what happened. We're so lucky that Rumple was here to save us" Belle smiled

"He defeated her before, he's done it again. Is that it or is there a good plan?" Killian wondered

"Rumple, Bae and Gideon are now at the castle, finding magic, trying to track where David is. He wants us all safe so he is going to send us to StoryBrooke at 7pm.. This world will be destroyed at midnight" Belle explained

"Sounds like a decent plan but what about Snow? She's not going to agree to leave without finding David" Regina sighed softly

"She'll have to. I'll talk to her" Emma looks at Regina

"You don't know what is out there, we have no idea what kind of world David is in. Rumple is doing this to protect us, i'm coming with you all too. I have hope that Rumple, Bae and Gideon will bring David back home, and changing him back to who he was" Belle says softly, feeling hopeful

"I hope to god this all works out!" Regina says as she looks at the time

"Me too, knowing Rumple..." Emma whisphered

"Rumple is trying, he saved us. He isn't what you think. He won't leave David in a world on his own!" Belle tries to explain, she really trusts him

"I hope not because Snow is devastated and heartbroken. If he doesn't come back with David, i won't ever forgive him and i'll go looking myself!" Regina warns her

"You sound very protective, you're not the Evil Queen i knew.." Killian smirked, being sarcastically

"Do you want me to turn you into a toad? Because i can!" Regina gives Killian an firm look

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