Chapter Seven

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At 7pm, David takes a deep breath and walks into Granny's seeing everyone there who he loves, he feels so loved and appreciated. He sees Regina, Robin, Emma, Killian, Henry, Neal, Hope, Gideon, Bae, Rumple, Belle, Ruby, Granny, August and everyone else. David is so popular in StoryBrooke. Snow is in the middle as he walks towards him, giving him a kiss and passing him a beer.

"Welcome Back" Snow smiled happily

David smiles warmly at Snow and gladly takes the beer, grateful to be back among his friends, family and loved ones. The atmosphere is filled with laughter, joy and happiness as everyone is celebrating David's return. People shake his hand, hug him and greet him in their own way, all excited to see him back home and safe.

"It's good to be back," David says softly, looking around at everyone who's here to support him.

Snow takes his hand and leads him away from the crowd, wanting to give him some time to adjust and take everything in.

"If it gets too much, tell me but you will be okay tonight?" Snow asked, being caring

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," David smiles back at Snow, feeling appreciated and supported by everybody here. "I'm just a little overwhelmed right now, that's all,"

"Are you sure?" Snow wondered

"Yes, i promise" David reasuress her 

Snow nods, understanding his feelings and wanting to make sure he's comfortable. She knows he needs all the love and support he can get after everything that's happened to him.

"Regina keeps looking over, why don't you talk to her? I'll be okay, i will talk Killian or Rumple, surprisingly" David smiled, rubbing her arm and giggles

"It's Rumple you definitely need to thank. He saved us all but i will tell you everything in a few days, when things are settled" Snow smiled softly, not wanting to talk about Regina, she still feels guilty

"Whatever has happened between you and Regina, sort it out.. You don't have to stay with me all night" David notices the tension between her and Snow

"Okay.. I'll go and talk to her.. It's mostly my fault. I got drunk and i lashed out at her. I said some awful things but i was grieving, i thought i lost you" Snow tells David

"Oh, Snow.. Come here... Maybe you both need a good chat.. I'll go and see Killian" David kisses her as he hugs. David then walks over to Killian and Robin.

Snow walks up slowly to Regina, feeling bad still about the other night when she lashed out at her when she was drunk, she said so many hurtful things.

"Hi Regina! We need to talk" Snow sighed as she gulps her wine

"Hello, Snow," Regina says softly, trying to keep her emotions in check as she's still feeling hurt by what Snow said to her

"How are you?" Snow asked

"I am fine but shall we go somewhere private?" Regina asks, feeling like it would be better to talk in a place where nobody can hear or listen in on their conversation.

"Sure, let's go talk somewhere where we can speak freely," Snow agrees, feeling relieved that Regina is being so understanding and patient with her.

Regina and Snow go and sit next to a bar at the other side of the room, infront of the fire and orders a drink.

"I am sorry, for the things i said to you.. I was heartbroken.. You must know that? I regret it.. I hope what happened won't ruin our friendship?" Snow sighs, wanting to be friends

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